Soaking in H2O2 and Baking Soda&Lemon juice


Active Member
Hello guys! Last week been reading about soaking buds in H2O2 and Baking soda&Lemon juice before drying.
The method what I was reading about includes 4 buckets
1 h2o2&RO 1:3
2 5gal RO and 1 cup baking soda + 1 cup lemon juice
3 RO
4 RO
Did not find any information about what it does, except it clears all the foliar stuff that have been sprayed on buds...
Have anybody tried that? What exactly does it to buds? H2O2? Lemon juice? Baking soda I suppose is cleaning buds from foliar...
Any ideas?
Found something about soaking buds in H2O2 before drying does kill all the bugs&eggs also if there is mildew...
Ok, but what lemon juice does? And why mixing with soda? Maybe cos of PH(lemon juice 2, soda 9)? Any thoughts?
the trics you gotta think of the trics ..

indeed I use household bleach at about 10% and warm water to kill mold


1: fill sink, bucket, or bath with warm water

2: add about 10% bleach stir well

3: insert weed wet or dry into vessel hold for 5 secs

4: extract and dip into bath of cold water (it washes of the bleach)

5: hang like socks to dry or if alive have pot and plant in a warm place
over night with a fan on

6: once dry pick out the mold

good luck

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the trics you gotta think of the trics ..

indeed I use household bleach at about 10% and warm water to kill mold

but thats all

good luck
Topic maker claims that he did not loose any sufficient amount, he got pictures too

One guy soaked weed in lemon juice and in the end he got red weed that gives different high ;D

Also found:
Lemon juice is full of citric acid and can "oxidise" weed by donating proton. (Oxidisation is loss of electrons which are opposite to protons). The chemicals in the plant can turn into citrates and break down to form more favourable bonds with free protons. That would be red colour.
Hmm, bleach on weed?

You smoke weed and it burns right?

Bleach, when boiled, creates man's most lethal toxin....Dioxin.

Fir some reason, I just can't picture myself spraying bleach, in any concentration, on something I'm going to smoke...

I maybe over thinking it but, I'm sure playing the safe bet..

Hmm, bleach on weed?

You smoke weed and it burns right?

Bleach, when boiled, creates man's most lethal toxin....Dioxin.

Fir some reason, I just can't picture myself spraying bleach, in any concentration, on something I'm going to smoke...

I maybe over thinking it but, I'm sure playing the safe bet..


edited for your reply
