

I’ve been meaning to write a review on them for awhile. I’ve ordered several times from them.
Dude is straight legit and one of the best banks I have ever dealt with. Fast shipping, They give 10% percent back on every purchase and crazy freebies.
Crazy sales like 60% off skunkhouse among others, and 50% off last month other breeders. Plus all January, they gave 20% back on purchases.
I don’t really post a lot but wanted to spread the word as they really deserve it.
best feature is the community live chat box, you can chat with them anytime.
They are working on accepting card, I’ve used bitcoin and cashapp with them numerous times. Even won a recent contest they had and ended up with three free packs and crap ton of freebies.
anyways after trying a lot of banks, I mean a lot at this point. They are so far hands down the best.
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I don’t see any Skunkhouse pack for 60% off nor do i see the option to pay with cashapp
Skunk house was last week. It was 24 hour sale only. And cashapp I think you select cash then they send you cashapp link in email. I can’t remember I saved them to my profile so I just send it to them that way.
Skunk house was last week. It was 24 hour sale only. And cashapp I think you select cash then they send you cashapp link in email. I can’t remember I saved them to my profile so I just send it to them that way.
Great place, that 10% off for next purchases is tits. That was a flash sale in the 60 off. They also throw specials in email occasionally.