Soap burnt plants :-(

I took all burnt leaves off and they have been in intensive plant care it was touch and go whether they lived or died they have pulled through and are showing new growth and no signs of pests I’m not out of the woods yet but fingers crossed .
School boy error - it was my chilli plants that were carrying the mites DOH
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Really good to hear leeski!!
Now they can focus on new growth and not trying to repair old growth! :cool:
I use to be one of them people that would treat whatever problem came about, but now I am all about prevention! Why, cause anything you spray onto your plant will be in someway ingested by the plant. And it don't matter what it is, it will in someway end up in your harvest. For example... I know lots of people use neem oil to combat mites and other bugs, but I would never do that because even natural things like neem oil can be very toxic to people who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes. And while that might not be a problem for many other people it is becoming more of problem today because more than half the population in the world are either borderline, type 1, or type 2 diabetics.

Anyhow... for prevention, if growing in pots outdoors just plant some sweet clover in the pots with your cannabis plants. And just by doing that you will create a impenetrable pest barrier that will keep your cannabis plants free from any pest that could harm them. How n' Why... cause once your sweet clover grows the pirate bugs will come and make it their home and where pirate bugs live other pests run or they will be killed off rather quickly... And if you are not growing in pots outdoors, just plant some sweet clover in your garden or near the plants you want to protect from pests, or if you are growing indoors, plant some sweet clover into some small 1 gallon pots, then leave them outside in a shady place for a few days, so that some pirate bugs can find it, then in the morning right before the sunrises, bring a pot inside into your grow area, and place it in the corner and I guarantee you that you won't ever have another pest problem, or if you do have a pest problem, it will be gone very quickly! And as a side note... sweet clover is also one of the most beneficial companion plants, as its root system releases power oxidants that actually revitalizes the soil it is grown in!
Companion plants are great! Good info on sweet clover piratebug!!
I use to be one of them people that would treat whatever problem came about, but now I am all about prevention! Why, cause anything you spray onto your plant will be in someway ingested by the plant. And it don't matter what it is, it will in someway end up in your harvest. For example... I know lots of people use neem oil to combat mites and other bugs, but I would never do that because even natural things like neem oil can be very toxic to people who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes. And while that might not be a problem for many other people it is becoming more of problem today because more than half the population in the world are either borderline, type 1, or type 2 diabetics.

Anyhow... for prevention, if growing in pots outdoors just plant some sweet clover in the pots with your cannabis plants. And just by doing that you will create a impenetrable pest barrier that will keep your cannabis plants free from any pest that could harm them. How n' Why... cause once your sweet clover grows the pirate bugs will come and make it their home and where pirate bugs live other pests run or they will be killed off rather quickly... And if you are not growing in pots outdoors, just plant some sweet clover in your garden or near the plants you want to protect from pests, or if you are growing indoors, plant some sweet clover into some small 1 gallon pots, then leave them outside in a shady place for a few days, so that some pirate bugs can find it, then in the morning right before the sunrises, bring a pot inside into your grow area, and place it in the corner and I guarantee you that you won't ever have another pest problem, or if you do have a pest problem, it will be gone very quickly! And as a side note... sweet clover is also one of the most beneficial companion plants, as its root system releases power oxidants that actually revitalizes the soil it is grown in!



Minute pirate bugs out in full force, causing painful bites
