


Backyard (outdoor) grower here in SoCal...every grow/crop of mine (4 in total) has been hit by butterflies/caterpillars and other bugs like spider mites/aphids...not so much concerned about the smaller pest, but the caterpillars...freaking crazy. I have usually not used sprays...but used BT and Neem Oil (only one application of each at different times) this last grow...I also built an screened in-closure which has seemed to help...

My question is...Does everyone growing outdoor in the SoCal area have these types of issues and what is your strategy to deal with it?

Please and Thanks.
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Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Not in Cali but my outdoor experience is if you start using insecticides then you eliminate the predator bugs and it is all downhill and a barrage of bug killers to get control

My point is with the exception of caterpillars I rarely use anything outdoors and nature evens things out

I hope you can get control of your issue, but maybe avoid that initial first spray next season


Not in Cali but my outdoor experience is if you start using insecticides then you eliminate the predator bugs and it is all downhill and a barrage of bug killers to get control

My point is with the exception of caterpillars I rarely use anything outdoors and nature evens things out

I hope you can get control of your issue, but maybe avoid that initial first spray next season
yeah i don't really use that stuff bro...but for me, nature doesn't seem to work that way down here...i think more people deal with caterpillars that are out there...with that said...maybe my backyard environment is prone to them more...or my area...but i have only really started using the organic sprays this last grow and it was only for one first three grows I used nothing and got hit by the caterpillars big time...
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Well-Known Member

Backyard (outdoor) grower here in SoCal...every grow/crop of mine (4 in total) has been hit by butterflies/caterpillars and other bugs like spider mites/aphids...not so much concerned about the smaller pest, but the caterpillars...freaking crazy. I have usually not used sprays...but starting to rely heavily on BT and Neem Oil...I also built an screened in-closure which has seemed to help...

My question is...Does everyone growing outdoor in the SoCal area have these types of issues and what is your strategy to deal with it?

Please and Thanks.
I deal with ittybitty caterpillars/wormies a bit here in NY too. One plant had an ant/mite problem but somehow it worked itself out when I moved it away from my other non cannabis plants....


Well-Known Member
yes, also located in SoCal and budworms are a huge problem. I tried not spraying anything but you risk losing literally most of your harvest if you don't.

Spinosad is your best bet for getting rid of them. Others use BT but I have not. Good luck!