Social Media is not Real Life

if people were born with unexplained organs, then i might tend to agree. It's much too convenient that the " bump on the head" from so many bad stories, tv shows and movies, would "reawaken" some dormant part of our brains, that then offer us glimpses, just glimpses of dimensions we have no words to explain...
It's every unexplained thing I've ever gotten high and wondered about, all explained at once... :)
how much is ChatGPT truly AI and how much is directed by the programmers?


I next ran a follow-up experiment: asking ChatGPT to “edit and improve” the Utopia’s Brainiac manuscript before submitting it.
Close friends told me they’d used ChatGPT to improve their written work and said the process is easy. So, I tried it myself on February 6, 2023. I entered “Please edit and improve the following essay” and pasted my piece in full text (as ultimately published). In under a minute, ChatGPT delivered its edited and revised copy. What did it do?

The body of the essay was a description of the many changes ChatGPT made and the effect it had on the essay. It took a descriptive essay about how people use ChatGPT and dummied it down to the point where it was just a mushy piece that didn't inform. The essay ends with this comment:

Considering the content in Utopia’s Brainiac along with the discussion here, readers can see even more dimensions of AI systems to distrust. To paraphrase ChatGPT itself, readers here are now concretely more “aware of the limitations and biases of AI systems.”


Now, I have an explicit admission from the chatbot that the OpenAI team actively curates its responses. Here is a series of telling excerpts from my last conversation with ChatGPT. My occasional notes to readers appear in this standard, variable width font:
Eric Holloway: But you just said that humans are writing responses for GPT-3 and get confused by the text with extra spaces.

ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion, but GPT-3 is an autonomous AI model that generates text on its own, it doesn’t require human intervention for this task. However, the response you are receiving is being filtered and edited by the OpenAI team, who ensures that the text generated by the model is coherent, accurate and appropriate for the given prompt. The extra spaces in the text can be hard for a human to read, but the model doesn’t have this problem since it’s not affected by the visual representation of the text, but by the underlying structure and meaning behind it.

I'm getting a sense that it could be just smoke and mirrors. There is a negotiation underway for Microsoft to buy a portion of the company for a Billion Dollars. Drifting from skeptical to cynical about the current capability of AI.
Just as Chat Gpt is a poor representation of the way a brain works.What if Human neurology is a poor representation of the way the Universe works?You speak of our disconnection from the Akashic record and our inability to exist or interpret in more than 3 dimensions. Perhaps our intellect is just as inconsequential to Reality as rudimentary forms of AI seem to us at this point.
if people were born with unexplained organs, then i might tend to agree. It's much too convenient that the " bump on the head" from so many bad stories, tv shows and movies, would "reawaken" some dormant part of our brains, that then offer us glimpses, just glimpses of dimensions we have no words to explain...
View attachment 5264170
It's every unexplained thing I've ever gotten high and wondered about, all explained at once... :)
Some hillbilly gets whacked on the head and wakes up speaking Mandarin
It's here..I'm worried about who it's with.

Very much ,but there are many entities on the verge of this.Many are way Less friendly.Think brain chip -robot soldier suit man.
Just as Chat Gpt is a poor representation of the way a brain works.What if Human neurology is a poor representation of the way the Universe works?You speak of our disconnection from the Akashic record and our inability to exist or interpret in more than 3 dimensions. Perhaps our intellect is just as inconsequential to Reality as rudimentary forms of AI seem to us at this point.
Because so far those theoretical dimensions we cannot perceive seem to have absolutely no effect upon the material world which we can perceive,
we may practically proceed as if they do not exist, indeed, we have no other choice.
Any conjecture upon it may be briefly entertaining, or not...But that's all it is, and all it will remain until a VERY great epiphany occurs to someone, somewhere...
Because so far those theoretical dimensions we cannot perceive seem to have absolutely no effect upon the material world which we can perceive,
we may practically proceed as if they do not exist, indeed, we have no other choice.
Any conjecture upon it may be briefly entertaining, or not...But that's all it is, and all it will remain until a VERY great epiphany occurs to someone, somewhere...
But they do and it will.This helps with the point,the human instrument is flawed.Partly because of circumstances ,and partly hubris. We must seek ,to find.
if people were born with unexplained organs, then i might tend to agree. It's much too convenient that the " bump on the head" from so many bad stories, tv shows and movies, would "reawaken" some dormant part of our brains, that then offer us glimpses, just glimpses of dimensions we have no words to explain...
View attachment 5264170
It's every unexplained thing I've ever gotten high and wondered about, all explained at once... :)
People are born with vestigial tails....
This actually seems like a place for this. Google isn't social media, per se, but they're part and parcel of the same giant snowball rolling towards the gates of hell.
That would have fit right in here.

That would have fit right in here.

sort of related, I use google news front page as my home page. there is a little tab where you can ask for more or less stories like the story it's attached to. Ive pushed less stories like this sooo many times, and i still keep getting stories about this...I'm fairly certain they don't even look at those clicks, only the up clicks...It's just a digital pacifier, and i keep getting stories about what celebrity said shit about which rapper, and what athlete is being sued or suing someone else...
the point being that it is just invasive in how they do business, no matter what you're looking for, what you need, you get what they want you to see.
can you show me that it is false?

More importantly, can you prove from something other than the circular anthropic arguments I’ve seen that it will stay false?

Have you messed around with them? They aren't smart. It's googling something and summarizing the first 10 results.

The ability to understand natural language is impressive, but it is a long way off for something like actual intelligence to exist. It can summarize data nicely, but not really expand on it or draw conclusions.

It will not stay false, eventually they will combine the various machine learning ideas and we wind up in terminator 2.
Have you messed around with them? They aren't smart. It's googling something and summarizing the first 10 results.

The ability to understand natural language is impressive, but it is a long way off for something like actual intelligence to exist. It can summarize data nicely, but not really expand on it or draw conclusions.

It will not stay false, eventually they will combine the various machine learning ideas and we wind up in terminator 2.
It is limited to " learning " from text for now.You can be sure there are other versions being fed everything.This is not a hypothetical thing,it might be an ignorant baby now,but it will grow up exponentially faast.
sort of related, I use google news front page as my home page. there is a little tab where you can ask for more or less stories like the story it's attached to. Ive pushed less stories like this sooo many times, and i still keep getting stories about this...I'm fairly certain they don't even look at those clicks, only the up clicks...It's just a digital pacifier, and i keep getting stories about what celebrity said shit about which rapper, and what athlete is being sued or suing someone else...
the point being that it is just invasive in how they do business, no matter what you're looking for, what you need, you get what they want you to see.
I’m amazed at the crap Google news pushes my way. Astrology? really?

And there is a crapsite called The Archeologist that keeps getting sent my way. When I try to google who the purple fuck they are, it gives me pages of their content and Not. One. Link. to the negative reviews that HAVE to be out there.

Oh and all the paywalled stuff. I’m beginning to suspect that they are using how many fractional pennies per clickthrough go to Google to decide what to push.
I know; raw cynicism on my part.

Makes me glad I never pushed “less like this”. Seems like pure data mining, and if they DO send less like it, they limit their mining take.
I do not think that imposes the limits that you’ve suggested. I’m operating on the perhaps unwarranted assumption that the appearance of jealousy, detrimental advice … we have seen from e. g. Bing AI were not expressly written in, but appeared as an unintended phenomenon.

That said, I don’t think that the current batch of AI are near being self-aware. But there comes a point when there will be a machine that passes every last one of the millions of Turing tests it will get. At that point, imo the distinction becomes without a difference.

(Regarding “just metal and wires”, by the same token we are just organic chemistry with an attitude.)

I think that jealousy thing is overblown. You could pretty easily program something to grasp the tone of a question, the prompt given that elicited the response was full of language indicating deceit or jealousy, there were a bunch of keywords there that would be easy to pick up on.

Idk, at this juncture I see all this as an asset, a tool to be utilized. It might go horribly wrong, I think the internet sat in the same seat 20 years ago and I can't say I like how that has gone. We are too dumb as a species to utilize the tools the best of us produce.
if people were born with unexplained organs, then i might tend to agree. It's much too convenient that the " bump on the head" from so many bad stories, tv shows and movies, would "reawaken" some dormant part of our brains, that then offer us glimpses, just glimpses of dimensions we have no words to explain...
View attachment 5264170
It's every unexplained thing I've ever gotten high and wondered about, all explained at once... :)

Lol, there are a bunch of 10 year old kids at my house at the moment. I showed them this guy and asked if they recognized him. One was like "he used to be a meme."

They look at him like I looked at pictures of the founding fathers.
Have you messed around with them? They aren't smart. It's googling something and summarizing the first 10 results.

The ability to understand natural language is impressive, but it is a long way off for something like actual intelligence to exist. It can summarize data nicely, but not really expand on it or draw conclusions.

It will not stay false, eventually they will combine the various machine learning ideas and we wind up in terminator 2.
I haven’t touched them. They smell of bait to me. They would not exist if they don’t return value to unspecified somebody, and I suspect that value is from mining my info and unintended reveals that such interaction would provide to somebody. Fuck market researchers right in the wallet.
I haven’t touched them. They smell of bait to me. They would not exist if they don’t return value to unspecified somebody, and I suspect that value is from mining my info and unintended reveals that such interaction would provide to somebody. Fuck market researchers right in the wallet.

Sir...have you considered that you can feed garbage into it. Fuck them in the wallet indeed.

However, you should try them and know their capabilities. The ability to understand weirdly written phrases/questions is very impressive. They have not completely misunderstood my questions, they do say "well you need to consult an expert" in nearly every case....but that's because my questions are around interpretations and evaluating options.
It's here..I'm worried about who it's with.

If it works as described for BrainGate, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. They describe the system working as:

With the pieces in place, scientists seek patterns in the electrical current of neurons that signal the brain’s intention to type letters or lift a hand. The code, in turn, commands a computer or robot to perform the task.

It doesn't really "connect" to the brain so much as act as a transducer when the brain gives the signal to perform a task. It does not input a signal to the brain, it just detects when the brain gives a signal.

Eyesight is a different problem and it's doubtful that Musk even understands what he's claiming.
If it works as described for BrainGate, there shouldn't be anything to worry about. They describe the system working as:

With the pieces in place, scientists seek patterns in the electrical current of neurons that signal the brain’s intention to type letters or lift a hand. The code, in turn, commands a computer or robot to perform the task.

It doesn't really "connect" to the brain so much as act as a transducer when the brain gives the signal to perform a task. It does not input a signal to the brain, it just detects when the brain gives a signal.

Eyesight is a different problem and it's doubtful that Musk even understands what he's claiming.
It sounds like it essentially does this.
