social toker or loner toker


Well-Known Member
I smoke mostly by myself , my girl cant smoke due to her job .. and my Future brother in law (who lives in the basement) he smokes but we seem to do our own thing .. Once in a while we will share a bowl or joint ,, but we really dont smoke a lot together .. Other thank him and a few friends who live far away I dont know anyone else who smokes or trust anyone to let them know I smoke .. There are a lot of snitch's in Pa


Well-Known Member
All of the above. if your there, your there. If your not, your not. It also depends on moods too for me, personally. Sometimes you want to smoke a joint by yourself and just think or daydream for a bit, gather your thoughts or just chill as Dfunk mentioned. Just like a night cap or a beer on the beach or something just chilaxin. Or your with your buddies and everyone matches.


Well-Known Member
for me it really depends on the weed i liek a good relaxing indcica when i'm at home relaxing listening to music maybe with a few homeboiz, but sometimes you wanna get outta the house and talk and sometimes there's weed that makes me really sexual i have to call a girl over if that can't happen i gotta get the tissues lol

But what i've also notice is that when i was younger and that i would smoke anything in site i would always be smoking with ppl who need weed to either a. "give them courage" or b. make them fight all the time
so i would always get into some kind of bullshit which always ruined my high

and then there's the weed that just makes you feel "GOODS" it's mostly in the head but lightly body you can move and your not impared at all your free to sit dwn or run around the block, it's everything coke wishes it was lol


Well-Known Member
I usually just smoke alone or with like a few good friends. Not a very social kind of guy. I like to be with my thoughts.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
i smoke a lone a lot, it's pretty relaxing and soothing.

but if i had the choice between smoking with my boys and enjoying ourselves, rather than me just smoking all alone.

i'd go smoking with my boys anyday over smoking alone