Socialism wins big again

I'm glad you represent a whole website you don't own or mod lol.
So we should have a poll about whether or not religious proselytization is welcom on RIU...

That dumbfuck made as one of his first posts on the site, a poll regarding if a specific member (who didn't break ToS) should be banned.

You're almost as dumb as he is, clearly.
You think gives a flying fuck about your bible thumping and that I suggested one thing is the opposite of another...

You're easily the dumbest comment spewer I have seen here in a long time.
We were discussing republics,
you do seem to be obsessed with my Christianity tho...

So wait I'm confused am I a homophobe or not? We can compare if it makes you happy. I'm not ashamed, gay, or against them. But you guys like getting your butts hurt. :hump: