Socrates Was Black

The top and the second to the last are IDENTICAL, except for the white marble you fucking fuck!!!! It's fucking MARBLE you idiot! The color is inherent.
hahahahahaha going to paint me a racist because YOU need to define Santa's color!?!?!?!?!? There was a Saint Nick who was fictionalized into a white man who lives at the northpole and delivers gifts to children; he's not real. Now Krampus, well he's another story.

I never called you racist, I said you aren't proving anything. And you still aren't proving anything or even showing proof of anything you are claiming.

And Saint Nicholas was real. I saw the Krampus on Venture brothers, but I don't see how derailing to another creature is proof of anything.
The top and the second to the last are IDENTICAL, except for the white marble you fucking fuck!!!! It's fucking MARBLE you idiot! The color is inherent.

So are you completely retarded when it comes to context? Or did you just choose not to read the words with the pictures when you were looking at the pictures?

I am not saying anything about the colors of the statues, this is about Santa and Socrates, dumb ass.
Nothing needs to be proved. Santa isn't real, and Socrates was an ugly, smart, Mediterranean man who helped shape western society, yet you claim he was somehow whitewashed and hidden. His life is as well documented as ANY in that time period.

He didn't look nordic, because he wasn't. He wasn't from the caucuses either, he was darker than some but not as dark as others. Why the fuck do YOU care? IT's literally ancient history.

...and again, sources?
I'm putting you on ignore now, if you really want to know something just read the thread before replying.
my 2 cents,, a quote from somebody, short term memory getting in my way or I would tell you who,
(( the writers of history are the winners of war))
true or not,, don't know,, sounds good to me,, we all got red blood
Again, you are not proving anything. I actually listed my reasons, I didn't just say they were up my sleeves. I SHOWED you and told you how it makes complete sense.
It makes complete sense TO YOU. It doesn't make complete sense to academics (you know, the trained experts) or they would agree with you.

Also, your 'reasons' can be summed up in the following sentence;

"The statues look more like a black man than a white man to me, therefore I think he's black."

Again, you're not an expert and your opinion regarding ancient Greek racial profiling doesn't have any actual evidence to support it. The entire argument you're making comes from the Afro-centristic ideology, which is bullshit. lol
All this misinformation ends now........Didn't any of you guys watch the Bill & Ted movies they had Socrates
on the first one and he looked like an old White man kinda like the face I see when I'm looking in a mirror but
He is who you need him to be......!
Not who you think he is .
It makes complete sense TO YOU. It doesn't make complete sense to academics (you know, the trained experts) or they would agree with you.

you're talking to a person who thought it made complete sense to not water his young plants and then expressed complete shock and puzzlement when he found one had died. Fin is always too right to have space in his life for educated reasoning.
santa is as white as the driven snow. jesus was a jew but he wasn't black black. he just was dark. don't fuck with my jesus.
And this is not just for black people, this is for white people as well. We all need to realize this.

Slavery may be over, but the chains are not completely removed. And if we do not remove the chains in our society, we will never see it to completion. Equalizing our history is the only way into the future.

You are a fucking clown.
And this is not just for black people, this is for white people as well. We all need to realize this.

Slavery may be over, but the chains are not completely removed. And if we do not remove the chains in our society, we will never see it to completion. Equalizing our history is the only way into the future.

Equalizing the past with lies and misinformation isn't going to benefit anyone.
Equalizing the past with lies and misinformation isn't going to benefit anyone.

Asking people to compare things themselves is not misinformation, just because you don't like the conclusions I have drawn does not mean I am forcing them on you. And if you feel as if they are being forced on you, it is because you yourself realize what I have realized and are in denial.