soda can myth

so a buddy of mine told me that opening a soda can in my grow room would help my plants grow because it releases co2. Is this true?


Well-Known Member
lol don't think ya'll see much effect from one can hahaha, much better if you sleep in the same room and its free :)


Active Member
so a buddy of mine told me that opening a soda can in my grow room would help my plants grow because it releases co2. Is this true?

Yes, even breathing in your grow room will be beneficial. a nice way is to mix yeast, sugar & water in a bottle and vent the O2 to the plants. do a search on it
yah i saw a video on that! im confused on where the tube is suppose to go. I know one goes in the bottle but where does the other end go?


Active Member
Some people (not me) water the plants with sugar water once every week or two. Not sure how effective that is, but it's supposed to help with giving the plants CO2


Well-Known Member
Some people (not me) water the plants with sugar water once every week or two. Not sure how effective that is, but it's supposed to help with giving the plants CO2
Can't see how watering with sugar water would create CO2 for the leaves.
Think someone is pulling your leg. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the can thing wont work. co2 is heavier than air, so it sinks. if u just opened the soda can and left it there, no co2 would come out, it would just stay in the can.


Active Member
the air (co2) tube goes as close to the leaves as possible
co2 is heavier than air, so have the tube level with the top of your plants