Soex Tobaccoless shisha review


Active Member
this is a response i tried to post on another site but i was denied membership so I'm posting here just to know that i didn't waste my time.

.....nicely stated i shall continue to smoke this bowl as i surf, however, "seems to be derived from sugar cane" doesn't answer my question at all. Why in the hell would Soex label their product in a non-existent language such as pig latin ( ugarsay = sugar, anecay = cane)? Seems to me that Soex did this because they know that the general public wont take the time to sit down and research foreign looking words; a misleading practice that will be the basis of several law suits to come. I am now about midway through my bowl and have concluded that the smoke is indeed thick enough and very tasteful. But, whats the point without the buzz? Inhaling smoke is bad for you regardless of what substance created it, wouldn't you rather benefit from what you smoke? Hate to say this, but I'm not willing to smoke just to watch the smoke come out. All that said, I've just finished my bowl and heres my conclusion. Great for practicing O rings and other tricks, also serves as a great filler for all those who like to smoke a little green with their shisha. Take it easy guys, hope this helps.


Active Member
yes! btw i recognize your screen name from when you posted on a couple of my journals last year, nice to know theres still some knowledgeable people at this site. Normally I'd take a picture and post it so you could see but i don't have my camera right now. so if you want to see the package there're pictures of them and the ingredients lists on their main page at