Soft, daylight, bright white?


Active Member
Looks like a cool setup. I've been looking into ways to set up my stealth grow, and I'm thinking about galvanized metal trash cans in the garage. Hope your babies grow up great!


Well-Known Member
I really beleve it is ok to use a few cools when you flower. I am using cool mixed with the warms because I want to raise and flower clones and I need the cools to help the veg cycle out. I dont want to change bulbs each time.
bulbs take almost no time to change. it's only 1 change to 12/12.

i have my bulbs hanging down from a rack over my plants. they are hanging by wires with sockets. cheapest solution 4 me.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, as long as there's enough lumens. I got 3 100Watt bulbs. i might get more bulbs about half the watts.


Well-Known Member
question. how much should i water when soil is starting to dry? Not enough so the water comes out the bottom?


Well-Known Member
i think if you can't feel water 2-3 inches down then water. early on, its like once every few days.


Active Member
watch your fingers.

Think we've pretty much decided to nix the metal trash cans and go for a cabinet, and maybe in the basement instead of the garage.

(a) It'll be better inside in the winter, so we can more closely control temp, and
(b) It'll be safer from neighborhood looky-loos.



Well-Known Member
I grew a 6 ft in my yard last year. I was in over my head for a awhile. One day i was high I looked up and saw a plane in the sky yea i was high, so I cut the plant down it was ready to harvest. Is it possible to get cought by talking on this or ordering seeds?


Active Member
Is it possible to get cought by talking on this or ordering seeds?
Well, there are plenty of folks out there who might tell you that the govt. does nothing but sit around monitoring all kinds of b.b.s and forums on the 'net, and that the govt. might use heat-sensitive cameras to detect your lights in your grow room, and all that crap.

But to be honest, I don't see it.

If all this were true, there would be no grow journals, no harvests (ever), and noone to buy smoke from. I mean, come on.:?

I'm pretty sure the govt. isn't going to spend billions to make the ISPs give over info on your IP address to see who it is registered to, or to force the seed companies to give up your info. I DO think that it would be safer to order from a spot in your own country (wherever you live).


Active Member
Nice. Is this your first grow? If not, have you had good results with the aluminum foil before? Some peeps say - elsewhere on the forums - that al.foil causes hot spots sometimes, which can burn the plants. Your mileage may vary, of course.

We were considering - if we used a cabinet instead of a can - lining it with al.foil or mylar.



Well-Known Member
13 days old. They are stretched because I had them in peat pellets under my desk light and that is why they are stretched, now i have the lights 1" away.


Well-Known Member
why u dont have any leafs? my gals r like 6 days old n they have like 4 bigass leafs n like 8 more lil ones that just start growing..