southern homegrower
Well-Known Member
thats what i ph it to. my cloner is a fogger & im not real crazy about it
yes 3 days is what i expect (when dealing with aero and fogging)the first time i done clones in it i had roots in 3 days but this time it seems a lot hotter in there and its been 6 days and still no roots
yes, i dialed my Tri-Meter no more then a week ago to 714 ppm @0.5 ECdo u have ppm calibration solution to check ur meter?
first of all, stop fucking with your meters. thas another problem. dont worry about trying to get your meter on the same scale. anyway. Some meters just come on certain scales.should i dial my meter to read the same as my tds meter reads?
assuming my tds is @0.7 EC, i should then dial my readings to 17 @0.5 EC on my hand held
is that assumption correct?
what the FUC#; i need a solid ground for readings!
and advice guys