SoG Grow Room Discussion

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
this has nothing to do with growing. do any of u no how to get rid of yellow jackets . i was just weedeating the yard and them sonsofbitches just lite me up i ran in to the screened porch and forgot to close the door. i started pulling my shirt off cause they had it covered and then my dog started yelping and running wild closed the screen door& opened the house door to go inside and my dog ran in so quick knocked me down mean while they are biting the shit out of me got inside and them sonsofbitches followed me in the house been bite about 20 times


Well-Known Member
this has nothing to do with growing. do any of u no how to get rid of yellow jackets . i was just weedeating the yard and them sonsofbitches just lite me up i ran in to the screened porch and forgot to close the door. i started pulling my shirt off cause they had it covered and then my dog started yelping and running wild closed the screen door& opened the house door to go inside and my dog ran in so quick knocked me down mean while they are biting the shit out of me got inside and them sonsofbitches followed me in the house been bite about 20 times
yellow jackets will chase you down as far as 1000 feed and attack you
i get a big blow torch and go have good ol BBQ,
do it late at night when its cool and they are sleeping

you can also use a garden hose to flood the hive, then knock it own

lol, or just call an exterminator


Well-Known Member
that fu$%in sucks homegrow! bummer bro, did they get your dog a bunch too?
put some cold oatmeal on that shit (for some reason it feels good for stings) or go buy somethin better at the drug store. oooorrrr get really stoned.

if the nest is in the ground you could probably pour gasoline down their hole if you got the balls.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
i could do that i just went out there and looked and they are in the ground . a small hole about the size of a silver dollar . i think they only got the dog a few times but they bite the shit out of me


Well-Known Member
Hornets are EXTREMELY territorial...

If they believe other hornets have a nest in the area.. they will stay clear...

I have little paper "balloons" out in the front porch... hornets see it and think it's the enemy...

Kinda like small clear plastic bags with a LITTLE water at the bottom, hanging around a room will keep flies away... they think they are spider webs...

and also how most ants do not like chalk... you can literally draw out a corridor for them to leave an area...:lol:


Well-Known Member
leave it on the floor if you have the room, it make no difference
its all about your fan suction
do you think you could run the scrubber 12hrs on/12 off? i would like to use my fan with the lights off, so as to not peak my power usage too bad.


Well-Known Member
updates sog?
yes we have some progress
ill snap a few tonight post them up
girls are still in "veg" going into flowering in few days
since i added 32k lumens, they have completely crowded the site in matter of days