Thanks Lions, they looked a little dim to be 1000s, but the dimmability aspect is amazing to think about given the high wattage and potential for burning bulbs out prematurely. Very cool concept though. That makes two out of two nifty new 1st gen. gadgets I'd like to research more that you happen to have and share knowledge about.
Here's a link to one for sale on ebay with detailed description (for anyone else).
Is the fan just shoddy Chinese manufacture, or is it the housing that makes so much noise? Why have a fan in a digital ballast? I thought they ran substantially cooler anyway?
No topping or bending of the plants due to prolonged veg time? Looks like you're not lacking in ceiling space, so height may never be an issue for you...
The fan is of Chinese origin - but it is quality - it just spins quickly creating an audible whirr - but yes, they actually seem to run cooler than the Lumatek's... and they are in the same resin housing as the Lumatek - I have been told by my local shop that "unhooking" the fan should not be a problem... I have not tried that yet - and as they run - I think the fans are getting quiter? I eventually will have to take them apart to clean the dust and possibly replace. Nice features - cool orange color (you can tell, I am driven by form over function - ha ha!)
We'll see - I have some cieling height but I hope to not have to use it - I think some bending will be required to maintain a reasonable height... we'll see, huh! I will definitely have to get out my whip!