woah woah... COPS?
if you love this person keep the law out of it. I rather you slap some sense into her than put her in the system....
bra i have 8 years IDF service under my belt (infiltrate)
I'm ashamed to admit i have tried, its beyond slapping her back to sense
i do not wish on my enemies to go through this,
seeing your loved one making a complete mockery of herself in public
completely unaware of her self until she snaps out of it
I've witnessed this behavior for the past few days getting whores and whores
to the point she is threatening to hurt herself, she already hurt me physically in every step of this madness as i try to restrain her
i was going through this morning dosage of madness
that got out of control by any normal means
I'm just too embarrassed to put it in writing
i found myself restraining her physically, again
but this time she scared the neighbors kids
i called 911 as i was laying on top of her
she is kicking and scratching me all over
screaming the house is hunted the house is cursed , i don't want to go back in there
as i was talking to the dispatcher laying on top of her; she seemed to be coming out of it
i still asked them to come and help me, she promised to take the sleeping pills
after she went to sleep, i asked the cops to hold off for now
she got up two hours later full of rage and hate
mumbling biblical obscenities, saying the house is cursed and I'm the devil
i found myself walking in circles in my living room worried with a bad vibe
if i don't do something to help her now, something bad will happen to her
she was in her room screaming to God to please take her now
i opted at this point to have her a live with a record then not alive at all
called the cops again; just to get advice, they were very nice they had a record of my distressed call from the morning
and i didn't have to explain it all over
they assured me there will be no criminal record involved in this type of case
they were over at the house shortly after
very polite and understanding, i was able at the first time in days
to move away from her with someone else guarding her
i cleared the situation to the officers, once they saw the videos i toke of her
they called their psych cops division to get a Doctors eval of the situation
they have confirmed the situation very quickly, she was then assigned and transported to the emergency psychiatric facility for the next 72 hours for further eval
if, God forbid; any you guys find yourself in similar situation,
they can and will help, she is committed now and getting the help she needs
at first i didn't want the cops involved cause i didn't want her to have any records or problems
she will not and have any criminal records or anything that can hurt her,
this is considered a medical case and caries HIPPA confidentiality
everyone involved were very sensitive, professional and understanding so far
i guess you guys are wondering if it came up...
yes, i told them we are medical marijuana patients
didn't seem to phase them one bit, they went over a list of substances, never even mentioned MJ
they wanted to know if there were other real drugs involved which was was a definite NO