Are u talking about those midwest growers that had 3 houses with over 1000 plants and the walls fell apart and the whole hoiuse was covered in mold?
nah this was in nyc and the dudes were renting a basement and the kids would come home from school and walk pass the house and would start tripping like "damn! they smoking some shit in there!!"..and a parent over heard the kids and told her husband and the husband actually knew what house she was talking about and thats when they called the sick
Now that u told ur friends, how are u gonna make enough money
.the friends i told (4 total) are the people im hitting and they gone run around and play middle man and its like 62 a pound trust me..ill get money
Now u have to split ur profits and on top of that worry about getting robbed by them or someone that they slip and tell, or even worse busted.
robbed??...nah i doubt that..ive had way more shit in all sorts of forms mainly something im not proud to say i was doing but it was me at one point,but i mean heavy,heavy shit im talking 2k a day easy from like 5am to 9am ..they would have booked me then..dont get me wrong ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!..but these the same dudes ive been grinding wit since middle school selling "dipped" ciggarettes..ahh those were the days!!..and truth be told if imma get booked id rather it be them than anybody..sounds weird but at least i know they wont kill me for the shit..thats hard to say with these lil fuckers today..these mufuckers will let you have it for a pound of that cryppy or some shit...
U should be getting paid the big biux and let them make what they make selling the shit.
Now they will want the shit for free,
lmao nahh man we aint college students..they got city jobs,(im the only idiot w/o a real job)they been doing the bud at the job forever..just wanna get that better number on the bud...there still coping halfs for like 3 stacks here..i cant do it..they waiting on me to get right so i can change the game..gotta learn to get an oz/plant 1st
I would be building a new spot
cant afford to buy another house and renting another house is going to take sometime,so yeah im stuck here besides im like the mayor of my block..i shot a music video on my block for christ sake..they love me here

the people will protect me...or this big ass 40 cal lol