damn!!..i was regreting this moment would come..i have to go to vegas on business..i cant leave everything to my cousin to do..is there anything i can do to keep everything "A ok" for like 7-10 days?..ive seen al's post on something in relations to this,but i kinna disregarded it because im not that crafty with my hands..i mean except for dj'ing or finger fucking some chic
Paper your that guy!!! your the guy that has limited brain power and when he gets high cannot function. You show signs of being smart but then sadly it disappears when you get high or you are around your friends and need to dumb up.
Lets look at this shall we. "ive seen al's post on something in relations to this,but i kinna disregarded it because im not that crafty with my hands..i mean except for dj'ing or finger fucking some chic"
If you really wanted to know how to save your grow from your more retarded cousin then you would have to take a look at your grow and find the weakest link in the chain.
For most its water, make sure it has the water and light it needs for the time you will be away. Your plants will take a nute hit but at least they will be there when you come back. Pros and cons for everything my black little friend you just have to make the choice.
Paper At some point in this endeavor you will have to start to think for yourself you know your own grow. How long your tanks will hold out before needing to be topped off that kinda shit and then at some point it really does just become common sense.
Token , Stop smokin the shit your growing long enough to think this though! Then go to Vegas and get you one of then chic's to finger bang.