first of all borat, you're gonna piss sparky and many others off for not knowing these basic S.O.G. principles. so be forewarned

but i guess i've taken on the mr rogers role round these parts and I end up playing devils advocate goes.
yes it was a lot....your welcome
and no excuses....we all have a life........start readin up a bit more when you get the chance.
good luck, their gonna crucify you i can feel it.

now let me give you some info, trust me i read a lot about ebb/flow, FAQ, Forum, research books , videos, and i believe i leraned a lot i know that :
ph btw 5.5 -6 keep all the nutrients available for the plants Macro and Micro...
reservoir water should be btw65- 75 better for the nutes
vegetation- you plants will consume lots of Nitrogen to produce photo and grow.
Flower- plants need more phosp to induce the flower, so less Nitro and more Phosp. propably you plant will show some leayeallon leaves by the end of the florwering Nitro deficency (normal ) the plant is telling you its time to harvest.
ppm grow vege btw 600-800 works fine
flower btw 900-1300 will do the job.
plants grown heath with somewhere around 3k -5k lumens/sqt/ft.
what else........

the ph of the reservoir goes up, could be RW im using its raising the ph of water or i don't know you can see....i know something and i dont thing spark or whatever are going to be upset with me ...the reason i post allthoses questions ? Just to get second opinion, thats why . again thanks so much and i will keep you posted