SOG growers wanted !!!

Is this a problem? Haven't even flipped the switch to 12/12 yet (will do in about five days), and already roots are vigorously growing out the bottom of my 2 gallon pots filled with hydroton. The plants all seem very healthy and the roots are healthy as well, and don't seem to mind the light one bit - do any of you consider this a problem, and if so, why?

Thanks for your time.

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Looks ok to me! they wiil grow out the bottom as they get larger.
My out of control moms

Damn PT Cloner is leaking like a sieve. Any ideas?
I've had the same problem.

Personally, I've found that it has to be sitting on perfectly flat ground. any angle and the lid won't sit cleanly on top.

I also carved a little gap for the pump and heater cords in the lid. Small thing made a huge difference.

Keep me updated on your progress.
I ran the pump cord through one of the pucks. I was thinking of putting another line of weather stripping on the res itself. I put the one that came with it on the lid. That isn't working. Had a bunch of people over yesterday for the gobble gobble. No time to do anything about it til today. I'm gonna give it a try. I was also thinking of getting some bolts and running them up from under the lip on the res and gluing the heads in place with some JB Weld. Than using wing nuts to secure it down. It would make it a bit more of a hassle to get into, but it is better than a puddle.
I ran the pump cord through one of the pucks. I was thinking of putting another line of weather stripping on the res itself. I put the one that came with it on the lid. That isn't working. Had a bunch of people over yesterday for the gobble gobble. No time to do anything about it til today. I'm gonna give it a try. I was also thinking of getting some bolts and running them up from under the lip on the res and gluing the heads in place with some JB Weld. Than using wing nuts to secure it down. It would make it a bit more of a hassle to get into, but it is better than a puddle.

I did that with my homemade cloner, the nylon bolts and winged nuts worked pretty good.
I joined this link because I grow with an ebb n flow bucket system and it would be nice to chat with some other folks using the same type of system.But I'm new to the SOG but I love to learn some new tricks. Hope I didn't break any rules by posting on here but how else are you going to figure things out with out trying. would love to meet some new friends here thanx

here is my proof I'm growing with ebb n flow


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WOW.... thought i would just pop in to see whats up and i find a sparkie & bugs fan fair ... just luv you guys ... never forget to pile on.... I sure remember poor bugs bonfire..... his neighbor was so helpfull... glad to see you all slashing & mauling .. will check back sooooon
ya make it out of a five gallon bucket instead of a plastic tote I'm guessing you used a tote that's what I made mine out of the first time but I found out the lids wont snap on tight enough and its always leaking. so I made my second one out of a five gallon bucket because the lids sap on tight and no matter how much your spraying on the inside it wont leak threw the 5 gallon bucket lid. you can't put as many net pots in a bucket lid but its a lot dryer
Putting the wing nuts and bolts has solved the problem. Makes access a bit tricky, but no puddles. I used 1/4" x 1 1/4" Hex head bolts with wing nuts on top.


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At least you know why yours aren't doing well. I have had clones in my EZ Cloner for two weeks and I got nothing. This is starting to piss me off a bit.

Tap water w/ 1.5 tsp cloning gel
Res temp: 79.5
pH: 5.6

Very seriously considering going back to the rockwool cubes.
:roll: and how do you make your cloner work without power?

i've known old ladies who used to clone plants in cups of standing water while changing out the water everyday!!!

you can use just plain water

i run RO water and clonex solution or i use RO water and Roots Excellator. Im only using Clonex cloning solution cuz i bought it and its still some left, but after this im not getting anymore...that was the bottle i bought last year, but still too expensive for my taste. Roots excellator is less than 26 cents per gallon of feed water. The dosage ratio of Roots Excellator is 1mL per gallon. Clonex is like 10mL per L. Talk about savings. :D

however with all that said.... like Al says...'all that shit is extra'.

i used to clone in straight RO water.

and if you are asking why do i even use Roots excellator or clonex in my cloner its because i like being fast. sure i could do it in plain water, but just takes a tad longer.

and if you are asking why do i use Roots Excellator is because its really better than clonex, not to mention cheaper based on feed gallon of water, not on the initial price....but the stuff last a long time @ 1mL per gallon. Plus it does the same thing as Clonex, plus like 4 other things. And plus i already had the stuff. I just keep find new purposes for this great great stuff

It also acts like while you are getting the benefit of a rooting are getting the benefit of antibacterial or whatever the hell it does. Some magic shit. I know it will rid root rot if you ever get it..... and it will keep those roots white than a mfer

It also acts like while you are getting the benefit of a rooting are getting the benefit of antibacterial or whatever the hell it does. Some magic shit. I know it will rid root rot if you ever get it..... and it will keep those roots white than a mfer

Baahaha funny bastard.., thanks for the chuckle LB..
Yeh i second all that roots excellerator shit, its one of the things that has actually made a difference that i can see with my own eyes...i think?!
I cleaned it the first time with bleach. Like to get it clean out of the box. I rinsed it, let it dry, then rinsed it again. Then stuck the clones in. I ran it for a week and a half and it started growing slime. So i pulled all the clones and re cut the stems and cleaned the cloner. No bleach this time. Got em in and running again. I re cut them on turkey day so 6 days and nothing. It is bumming me out. The slime is starting to come back. I really just want to get a couple good ones for replacement mothers at the least. I am pretty sure I will be cutting new ones and trying again. Just to be sure to get a few new mothers. I am probably going to be leaving for work later this week so maybe 3 weeks away from home. I was really expecting this thing to be waaaaay easier. I am actually considering going back to the rockwool cubes.