SOG In My 4x4x7 Tent??


Well-Known Member
hello peeps! im debating the best way to grow 1lb+ in a 4x4x7 tent. the day i was setting up my grow i was talking to the dude at the shop and i believe he said that to reach my desired yield that i would need to so SOG. i left there with a lot of knowledge, too much knowledge. SOOOO much knowledge that i forgot a few things on the way! major stoner right here, short term memory, fucking gone!! it may come back in a few years. so anyways. my desired yield is 1+ lbs. of dried buds every 30 days. with out over stuffing my tent and with reaching my desired minimum, which would be my best formulation for this. i do believe a specific strain will have to play a factor. i have mother plants, but my clone making skills, well lets just say there is no clone making skills at this point. they have all died, and im now trying Jiffy Pucks. i have heard of veg times of 2 weeks. will this also play a major factor in my formulation? please help! thxs in advance.
Wont work man. You arent compensating for space, light requirements and you want too much herb lol
You need a clone room, veg room, and flower room all separate and need to have a continuous cycle.
for 1 lb you need 16 plants minimum grown in 3 gal smart pots(orbigger) 5gal plastic in flower.
24 clones need to be taken every month from one plant, and switching mother plants every month after(24 clones is compensating for dead clones)
If you want to transplant as little as possible then i would go straight from clone home to your flower home(3galSP or 5galPL) and veg for 2 weeks or until 12" inches
then flower
now at 16 plants averaging 1square foot that is gonna have to be at least a 8x8x8 room compensating for lateral branching and vertical height, space to move around, light space, ect
which means your veg room will need to be 8x8x8 as well since you are using the same pots as in flower
Then you need a cure room, dry room, clone set up

It is a big endeavor and takes a lot of money.. you ready for that?
I can get more into specifics if you would like but i don't wanna write an essay for nothing :P
Over all you're looking at 5,000-10,000$ to start it up and 13 weeks till you have smoke able product with a lot of work in between

I have a similar set up to the one i described so i can help personalize it to meet your needs if you would like.
It is a big endeavor and takes a lot of money.. you ready for that?
I can get more into specifics if you would like but i don't wanna write an essay for nothing :P
Over all you're looking at 5,000-10,000$ to start it up and 13 weeks till you have smoke able product with a lot of work in between


.........Cannabisculture is right about that, I have been struggling to get this up and running now for a YEAR, and have now come to a spot in my day that I can expect .6 gpw at the very least, I run a scrog ebb& flo in a 4x4x7 W/ 2 1k's alternating with a 2 hr 2k burn in the middle of the light phase and I am happy with the results thus far. Pulling an lb every week (or couple a weeks) is ALOT of work,. Time effort and$$ win the day though. Oh and as a side note, it's "doing something over and over expecting DIFFERENT results.......Albert Einstein
Wont work man. You arent compensating for space, light requirements and you want too much herb lol
You need a clone room, veg room, and flower room all separate and need to have a continuous cycle.
for 1 lb you need 16 plants minimum grown in 3 gal smart pots(orbigger) 5gal plastic in flower.
24 clones need to be taken every month from one plant, and switching mother plants every month after(24 clones is compensating for dead clones)
If you want to transplant as little as possible then i would go straight from clone home to your flower home(3galSP or 5galPL) and veg for 2 weeks or until 12" inches
then flower
now at 16 plants averaging 1square foot that is gonna have to be at least a 8x8x8 room compensating for lateral branching and vertical height, space to move around, light space, ect
which means your veg room will need to be 8x8x8 as well since you are using the same pots as in flower
Then you need a cure room, dry room, clone set up

It is a big endeavor and takes a lot of money.. you ready for that?
I can get more into specifics if you would like but i don't wanna write an essay for nothing :P
Over all you're looking at 5,000-10,000$ to start it up and 13 weeks till you have smoke able product with a lot of work in between

I have a similar set up to the one i described so i can help personalize it to meet your needs if you would like.

oh!!! forgot to mention i have all that.....sorry!
i have been told by many people it can be done. so, my hopes are far from shattered. ive seen 1 plant yield 1 pound with!! id like to see where this thread goes. i for one disagree with you, but maybe i forgot to mention a few things.
i have been told by many people it can be done. so, my hopes are far from shattered. ive seen 1 plant yield 1 pound with!! id like to see where this thread goes. i for one disagree with you, but maybe i forgot to mention a few things.

1 plant yielding 1 pound w/ CFL's, you saw it, what was the setup, i'm curious...
the set up was a bubble something. stml. it was a pretty big pot. had about 2-3 inches of clay pellets on the bottom, then a soil-less medium for the rest. the buds looked liked they may have been small. but the grower claimed 450 grams dried/1 plant. bubbleponics...had an aerator at the bottom in the clay pellets. im sure if you do a google search it will pop up. search for 450g cfl bubbleponics, or something to the nature.
i have been told by many people it can be done. so, my hopes are far from shattered. ive seen 1 plant yield 1 pound with!! id like to see where this thread goes. i for one disagree with you, but maybe i forgot to mention a few things.

I'm not discouraging you at all, just giving you as much info as possible. There are so many factors that go into your grow and everyone has their own personal style.
I am curious to see how you make this work...

If you want 1lb off one plant then you need to veg up to 36 inches tall and wide with either LST or supercropping techniques (this will take up your entire tent)
but only 1 of those will fit in a 4x4x7 tent...assuming that is 4' wide 4' long and 7' tall and you are growing SOG
.... if you want a lb every need one 2-3 month vegged plant in flower ever month of the same strain(compensating for flower time)
Now that is impossible unless you have multiple 4x4x7 flower tents with their own lights and everything

start out small and work up, your harvest goal is too high and whoever said you could get a lb every month out of this tent was lying through their teeth


it is simply impossible to get 1lb a month from one tent that size....plain and simple
whoever is telling you that this is possible...should try it themselves and explain how they did it
I'm not discouraging you at all, just giving you as much info as possible. There are so many factors that go into your grow and everyone has their own personal style.
I am curious to see how you make this work...

If you want 1lb off one plant then you need to veg up to 36 inches tall and wide with either LST or supercropping techniques (this will take up your entire tent)
but only 1 of those will fit in a 4x4x7 tent...assuming that is 4' wide 4' long and 7' tall and you are growing SOG
.... if you want a lb every need one 2-3 month vegged plant in flower ever month of the same strain(compensating for flower time)
Now that is impossible unless you have multiple 4x4x7 flower tents with their own lights and everything

start out small and work up, your harvest goal is too high and whoever said you could get a lb every month out of this tent was lying through their teeth


it is simply impossible to get 1lb a month from one tent that size....plain and simple
whoever is telling you that this is possible...should try it themselves and explain how they did it

lol!! i KNOW it is possible. it is debatable. i know... lets just agree to disagree. i do know i will in fact need a bigger or another tent, i know this. but!! what you do not realize, is the person who is telling me this, is getting 1.5lbs out of a 4x4 tent every 6 weeks. there are sooooooo many factors in play. this is my first grow, and im not expecting, hoping or even shooting for anything near that. this is my first grow, im learning. im learning this strain, im learning styles. with another 8x8x7...i know its possible. it is. its not open for debate. BUT!!! if i told you what im about to harvest, you wouldn't believe me, so i won't even go into that, not til all the numbers are in and the final cure is done. but im shooting for 8oz...its looking like i will get 10-12. i do not believe it will be possible for at least a year. i need a few more things. i see people harvest 1/4lb in the same tent every week! that at the end of the month is 1lbs. i have a lot of veg space, and once i get a little more situated, ill have another tent, with another 3-4 lights, just need to figure out exhausting the heat form the lights and some more funds. but if i can get 8-10 oz every 6 weeks i will have achieved my first grow goal. im not arguing, im not debating. but my friend, it can be done. i shoot for the impossible, so i wont get discouraged when i reach half my goal.

tell me this. if people are pulling 1gram per watt, what systems are they using? what strains are they growing? and in what medium? i hear some people are pulling 2.5g per watt. if i can reach .5 grams per watt, that is 1 pound. the math makes it sounds possible. so think about it a little more. im on my first grow, i have 10 plants, and I WILL PULL 1.25+ ounces off each plant. but i veg longer then some, and i am fighting with space right now. so the little buds will be counted, but made into hash. i know seeing is believing. so if i take pics ill be sure to post them here first. if it has been done once, it can be done again!!! i live impossible odds everyday. so i just do not believe it when someone tells me something can not be done. if you can think it, it can be done. just give me a little time. ill make it happen. and you are right. i do need another tent or 2. but trust me, i know what im doing. im not some youngster. i have been educating myself for years before i took the final leap. i know whats possible and what is not. i have a buddy that said he knew someone growing Lowryders and pulling 2oz off each plant. i personally call bullshit on that one, but i know you can cram at least 12 Lowryders in a 4x4x7 tent and easily pull 1.25-1.5 oz off every plant. so, in maybe say 30 days, that is easily 1 pound. yeah??

if you want to argue, lets just agree to disagree. i do not like wasting time on th enet bitching about shit. if you say no, cool then no. i still say yes, one day! have a good day!

Ps. are you related to the Cannabis Culture Magazine? if so, great publication!! turned me on to some cool shit! keep on truckin'
ohh snap!! you know what. come to think of it. i don't think he told me i could do that every month. hahha!! i have bad short term memory. he did say i could get a pound out of that tent. but i do not think he said anything about time. i told him i wanted 8oz every 2 weeks. he said that is way too much work. and to just worry about a 30 day schedule. so my bad. i just get overly excited when i talk to others about this shit. knowledge is key and my brain is like a sponge right now. so your right, i dont want to get into a big debate about it, i just want to to have fun and learn new shit and create life that i can evaporate, lol!!
haha...told you!
I have no negative intentions here..i just wanna spread the knowledge ya know? Id love to help you out with your operation if you need it..
And no i have no connections with CCM, i just took the name because i believe cannabis IS a culture and a way of life rather than a hobby. Textile & Medical cannabis can change the world!
Ive been growing and studying cannabis since age 12 and am currently attending college to study Molecular Biology post grad. Which deals with DNA recombination, chromosome duplication, ect...
With hopes of genetically engineering the "perfect plant" so to speak.
pest resistant, viral/bacterial resistant, high THC/CBD content...the sky is the limit!
that will be in about 10-15 years though :P
haha...told you!
I have no negative intentions here..i just wanna spread the knowledge ya know? Id love to help you out with your operation if you need it..
And no i have no connections with CCM, i just took the name because i believe cannabis IS a culture and a way of life rather than a hobby. Textile & Medical cannabis can change the world!
Ive been growing and studying cannabis since age 12 and am currently attending college to study Molecular Biology post grad. Which deals with DNA recombination, chromosome duplication, ect...
With hopes of genetically engineering the "perfect plant" so to speak.
pest resistant, viral/bacterial resistant, high THC/CBD content...the sky is the limit!
that will be in about 10-15 years though :P

that is extremely awesome!! i want to take some basic Botany classes and see where it will take me. i have been studying and readign about all this since i was 16. im 32 now. ive grown before. just way back when. like 15 some odd years ago. small set up, but we yielded some killer wispy flowers. some seriously stony ass shit!! but i think it was because i was young. i need to pm you. would you mind messaging me back. i have some questions on some things. and had a buddy mentoring me, but i think his intentions were profit based. since he quit the hydro shop for his own ventures (i can get wholesale prices on stuff, but its almost a hassle) he has not returned any of my texts concerning help, only about gear. so, i have decided to go it on my own. and finding out that taking a census off a website is quite impossible since there is so much false information on this site. i see it as there are millions of ways to skin a cat, but for every way there is to skin a cat, there is a million ways to grow herb. too many variables and factors. i just can not rely on 1 person. but i need some info from time to time. and would like to narrow it down to 1 source if possible. again with a cheesy saying... too may cooks in the kitchen ruin the soup. or too many gardeners in the grow room can fuck up your crop. so im kind just teaching my self on what i learned reading magazines and books over the years. and taking as much of it as i can and utilizing it. i have been practicing growing in my mind for about a decade. ever since the first garden in 97, i have been thinking of ways to perfect this craft, but all the practice and notes and layouts won't get you anywhere til you have hands on experiences. if you get a moment shoot me a pm. i have a few quick little questions i have been frustrated with these past few weeks. i wont bother you too much or send you a million messages a day. just every now and then. thanks again for the insight and heads up. also, about the money and the space thing. i have about 60% invested in what you said i need. i still need a few more crucial things, like Co2 and a nice room controller, another 8x8x8 tent, i have more space then you can imagine for the mothers, clones and veg. just had 24 plants in veg, after the males and the weak were eliminated i was left with 3 mothers, and 10 already 3 weeks from being finished. i had to start something, i couldn't wait that long to start. it wasn't going to happen. and lets say we shrink the numbers a little to compensate for my greenness, lol!! if you have time send me a pm and we can chat. thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.

ps. one of my best friend i grew up with started growing on a 50ft yellow school bus. commune styles!! his teacher was a hippie in the Grateful Dead days. he saw countless dead shows before he was 12. his days of growing weed were in his 8, 9 yr old days. he has crazy mad skills. one would always argue with him about his skill. well with his help he helped us produce a 1/4 pound with nothing but florescents in a 4x3x5 cabinet. nugs where crazy heady. wispy, not dense at all. but that was the only downfall. had there been some denseness it would have easily been a half pound. the dude is an amazing gardener. he knows some crazy shit. he was the friend who taught me everything i know. but time takes tole and with his business and my business, we do not talk anymore.

man, im rippppppped!
that is extremely awesome!! i want to take some basic Botany classes and see where it will take me. i have been studying and readign about all this since i was 16. im 32 now. ive grown before. just way back when. like 15 some odd years ago. small set up, but we yielded some killer wispy flowers. some seriously stony ass shit!! but i think it was because i was young. i need to pm you. would you mind messaging me back. i have some questions on some things. and had a buddy mentoring me, but i think his intentions were profit based. since he quit the hydro shop for his own ventures (i can get wholesale prices on stuff, but its almost a hassle) he has not returned any of my texts concerning help, only about gear. so, i have decided to go it on my own. and finding out that taking a census off a website is quite impossible since there is so much false information on this site. i see it as there are millions of ways to skin a cat, but for every way there is to skin a cat, there is a million ways to grow herb. too many variables and factors. i just can not rely on 1 person. but i need some info from time to time. and would like to narrow it down to 1 source if possible. again with a cheesy saying... too may cooks in the kitchen ruin the soup. or too many gardeners in the grow room can fuck up your crop. so im kind just teaching my self on what i learned reading magazines and books over the years. and taking as much of it as i can and utilizing it. i have been practicing growing in my mind for about a decade. ever since the first garden in 97, i have been thinking of ways to perfect this craft, but all the practice and notes and layouts won't get you anywhere til you have hands on experiences. if you get a moment shoot me a pm. i have a few quick little questions i have been frustrated with these past few weeks. i wont bother you too much or send you a million messages a day. just every now and then. thanks again for the insight and heads up. also, about the money and the space thing. i have about 60% invested in what you said i need. i still need a few more crucial things, like Co2 and a nice room controller, another 8x8x8 tent, i have more space then you can imagine for the mothers, clones and veg. just had 24 plants in veg, after the males and the weak were eliminated i was left with 3 mothers, and 10 already 3 weeks from being finished. i had to start something, i couldn't wait that long to start. it wasn't going to happen. and lets say we shrink the numbers a little to compensate for my greenness, lol!! if you have time send me a pm and we can chat. thanks in advance for your time and knowledge.

ps. one of my best friend i grew up with started growing on a 50ft yellow school bus. commune styles!! his teacher was a hippie in the Grateful Dead days. he saw countless dead shows before he was 12. his days of growing weed were in his 8, 9 yr old days. he has crazy mad skills. one would always argue with him about his skill. well with his help he helped us produce a 1/4 pound with nothing but florescents in a 4x3x5 cabinet. nugs where crazy heady. wispy, not dense at all. but that was the only downfall. had there been some denseness it would have easily been a half pound. the dude is an amazing gardener. he knows some crazy shit. he was the friend who taught me everything i know. but time takes tole and with his business and my business, we do not talk anymore.

man, im rippppppped!

that is wayyy too much to read but i think i got the gist.
sure send me a pm with your progress or questions.

There are many different ways to grow but only a few are the "right way" IMO
whoever said 5 gallon pots for a SOG is nuts, total waste. for SOG you would want 3 gallons bags at the very biggest or you would never get the plant count needed in 4x4. plus the clones go right from rooting to flower so the really only need maybe 2 gallons of root space. SOG should really be done in a shared bed with closer to 30 clones per 4x4 all flowered as soon as they show roots. NOT something id want to deal with as a begginer, I would also never do it in a tent just cause theres no room to access all the pants easily in a SOG. your better off going with four bigger plants through a screen. SOG is allot of work, i was taught to grow this way and recently started doing bigger plants through screens ill never go back unless its a verticle SOG.