SOG - Perpetual grow - Lets see how this goes!


Active Member
im experimenting with a homemade bubble cloner atm, seems to be working well. 1 week in no roots yet, but they are healthy. iv read good things about the aero cloners, but iv never known any one that had one. are you going to buy one or make it?


thanks, only seems to be yo getting back to me!

ive purchased one and it was delivered today so will stick some fresh california orange clones in today and hopefully 10 days in i have roots! will take pics later too


Soooooooo... its my 9th day since putting California Orange cuttings into the new aeroponic propagator and only 3 or 4 seem to have the newly formed roots.

I have read up on them and by now i should have decent roots instead of 4mm nobbles. im not sure what temperature the water is but i have the sprayers on 15 mins on/off and a heat mat underneath for the same 15on/off.

I think i will invest a water heater shortly but for now, i will have to continue as i am (cos im broke)

The rest of the rooms though are as follows....

Veg room:- My 4 mothers
Flower room:- 23 cuttings in 2l pots.
Clone room:- 38 cuttings (ready to be planted in the next week hopefully)

taking my total plant count upto 65.

I forgot to take pics today but i will deffo take some in the morning to show how things are progressing.

meanwhile, any one have any tips for using the propagtor?



so, heres a few pics showing a few shots around the rooms.

Massive bushy mothers first of all, really need to trim that bush!

then a few shots of the flowering room showing the small plants that went into 12/12 yesterday. There is also a few taller plants that were ready waay before all the rest so i hope to get a bit more yield off those.

Then my new aeroponic propator. I beleive today is day 10 and on the next few shots i tried to get a picture of the root bump. Some of the others are longer than this one but my camera is crap any way. Nothing too exciting really any way.

Last picture is of a healthy cutting after been in the dome for 10 days. It looks as fresh as the day i cut it! I really do recommend these things, but i think i will have to tweak it a bit as i did want more roots than this by day 10!

any comments/tips welcome.



Active Member
looking pretty good papajow! those moms do need a good haircut. you may want to open the vents on that cloner a bit. too much moisture and humidity actually discourages the cut from growing roots. root bumps at 10 days is pretty good. i have heard of people spraying their cuts with a light bloom mix, but i havent seen anyone add nutes to the res of an aerocloner

the real G

im thinking about getting a aeroponic propagator, anyone disapprove of them? or had bad experiances?
I have a 20 site areoponic propogator and belive me its 1 off my best buys to date yet! i have used it twice and had a 20/20 succes rate both times so really mate u will not be dissapionted! peace G

the real G

I have a 20 site areoponic propogator and belive me its 1 off my best buys to date yet! i have used it twice and had a 20/20 succes rate both times so really mate u will not be dissapionted! peace G
sorry just read your other post soon as u see some roots on most the cuts i would add some nutes but only very little maybe 1/4 or less to start wit recommended dose! hope this helps G


Nice one guys. Will open the vents and add nutes shortly!

I use Canna Bio Vega, do you think that would be ok to use?


The roots are really taking off now! Gonna give them a few more days before transplanting. I also put 1litre of already mixed nutrient in the tank. (20ml per 10l)


Roots are going wild now. some are even 10mm now with several different sites. Gonna be busy once they are all potted! even more so when they need harvesting!


Well-Known Member
hey PJ....even though there are websites that advertise that there aerocloners will bust roots in 6/7 days...its bullshit....yes, u might get lucky once in a while and u will see a couple roots in 7/8 days...but 98% of my roots come 10 days and after even in the aero cloner....i would recommend that u dont use the humidity dome with the aero....ive been using my cloner for over a year now and i bet u ive lost maybe 10 clones in that year..and i never once used a dome...i think with the aerocloner the dome is gonna cause to much moisture and ur clones are gonna suffer more than benefit from it...just my 2cents.....just give it time and those cutts will have bin laden beards hanging on them....i dont ph my rez and i dont run any nutes in it either....i do run h2o2 in my cloner...thats the only thing...any questions, let me be glad to help....ganja


thanks man! ive been experimenting a little as ive taken the cuts. some i have scraped the bottom inch or so. some i have split the stem about a half inch up. some i have split and scraped the stems and some i have just left alone.

i will report my findings when this cycle has finished. however, early signs of roots are on the split and scraped which may suggest the quickest.

i will also try a set of cuts with no dome on and all the above stems too. i may be able to help a few people then?!

REPORT ON THE GROW NOW (pics to follow):-
my 5 tallest plants are nw about 20" and little buds are starting to form.
the 18 smaller ones, i lollipopped themm today cutting away the lowest branches. will make it easier to water them and also removes the fairy buds that grow at the bottom branches and everybody hates trimming!
mother plants are WAAAY bushy, really need to trim them and get some more cuttings in the aero! but cant until i plant these 36.

i will take some pictures next time i go in.


decided i am going to transplant any that seem to have a decent root system so far.
i thought id take pics tomoz all in stages. Transplanting> then taking new cuttings to go in the cloner.

Also, so far, split stems and scraped also seem to be the way to go!!! roots galore in the cuts!!