
Alright so here's the deal...

I'm looking to start my third grow in about a month. I'm going to be starting from seeds so no clones this time :( I will have 3 600w HPS setups.

I'm trying to harvest 1lb/month so here are two different plans I have.

3 tents setup with the SCROG method. One a month ahead of each other. So every month it will bring harvest. One 600w per tent.

Or two large SOG areas bringing in a monthly harvest. However...I figure if I get say 10g per plant thats 45 plants. But to harvest monthly ill need two of those setups...90 plants considering none die, plus the mothers...WAY too close the the 100 mark for me.

Space isn't really an issue. But if anyone has some opinions that'd be great.

broham 10

sounds like you have a great plan. thats all i have to say is that i would not recommend a scrog unless you use clones or feminized seeds, because if you end up with some males they are going to be a bitch to get out if not impossible to get out and that will fuck up your whole grow. if i were to do a grow like this i would do a sog using 3 tents with 25-30 plants in each and i would top and lollipop each plant. thats would require a little more veg then with a traditonal sog but it would deffinitly increase your yeild. good luck bro


Thanks man, appreciate it. I do plan on using feminized seeds. But haven't decided if I want to invest in 100 WW fem seeds or if I want to buy 5 and use them as mothers but wait a couple months...