Soil Amendments: Trying to K.I.S.S without out oversimplifying’s best to stay away from pot branded mixes, you’re paying for a lot of marketing and pseudoscience BS. Epsoma tomato tone is another good option
I agree with you there, its just that the ingredient list on the mother earth seems like an ideal mix and instead of paying more, it costs less than the build a soil craft blend. I'm just leary to be a guinea pig as i've not seen many posts of others who have used it :(
Well. Mother Earth meal mix was a strike out. I can’t have it or most of the down to earth amendments shipped to my state! :(

I did manage to find redbud soil in OKC so I’m going to pick up amendments from them this weekend. My plan is (with correction of some significant mistakes from my previous recipe)

1 bale of promix MP (52 gallons)
20 gallons ewc/4 gallons insect frass
20 gallons rice hulls
8 cups azomite/basalt
6 cups kelp meal
3 cups fish bone meal
3 cups neem seed meal
3 cups gypsum
3 cups alfalfa meal
3 cups crustacean meal
3 cups oyster shell meal
3 cups langbeinite

So much for keeping it simple
@PadawanWarrior I know this discussion was from a different thread, but i looked up my pump today and was quite happy to find the following:
Superior Pump 91250 1/4 HP Thermoplastic Utility Pump
Superior Pump builds pumps... ...Equipped with suction screen to filter out large debris and handles up to 1/8 inch solids with ease.

So it looks like i'm going to be skipping the trip to dollar store for panty hose for now. As long as my wand head doesn't get clogged, I should be good to go :)
I made it to OKC this weekend. Went by Grow Warehouse and they had 50 pound bags of bio-live in stock, so i was pretty excited about that. Went to redbud as well and picked up a few goodies and made my first batch of new recipe soil this weekend. Ended up with:

1/2 bale (26 gallons) Promix MP
10 gallons ewc's
6 gallons rice hulls
3 gallons perlite
2 gallons insect frass
1 gallon bio-live
4 cups azomite
4 cups basalt rock dust
2 cups neem seed meal
2 cups gypsum
2 cups oyster shell meal
2 cups bat guano