Soil and Bubbleponic CFL grow


Active Member

I had all the seeds sprout in the hydro set up, however two of them were slower off, and haven't opened their leaves yet, so i'm not sure whats up with that. the other 4 are looking great. adding more lights to the mix today and tomorrow and will post pictures when i have all of that squared away. as for the soil plants, two reg plants have taken off really well and werent affected my the MG curse. the other one is runty and might be coming around... the kind bud seeds showed terrible nute burn and were really runty, however they've really started taking off with the last few nodes. again i'll post pics when i'm done adding lights.


Active Member
Alrighty, i finally busted out the real camera to start taking my pictures. I topped/fimmed tonight on the soil plants. i re arranged all the plants, and am realizing i need to move them to their final homes or make these pots their final home...

The hydro is going great! roots have hit water for one of the lady's (to be named tonight) and one has shown roots through the net. tomorrow should be an exciting day!

I am having some difficulty keeping my res temps down, i moved my air pump outside of the grow room to hopefully bring in cooler air to cool the water. we'll see if that works.

Added more lights to the mix, i have 8 26 watters on the hydro system, and then 5 on the soils with a new 4 ft tube fluorescent light on them as well.

Here are the pictures!!!

1- The good growing ladies of Hydro (the other two are slackin, i'll post pics once i'm done here)
2-New Light setup
3-The insides, and the Lone Root!!
4- topped KB
5- Fimmed KB
6- KB Plants
7-Fimmed Reg
8-Topped Reg
9-Strong Regs
0- Weak Reg
11- Room Setup

