soil from a failed seed


Well-Known Member
so after to much poking and proding of my brand new seeds to see if they germed in my soil i managed to kill half of them. Is the soil from these now sad empty pots that make me want to cry still usable for other things when i dry it out or should i just toss it?


Well-Known Member
Sure you can reuse it, lots of outdoor gardeners reuse their soil over and over but the more you water you are washing nutrients out of the dirt.
Never dig up your seeds just let them sprout on their own, in good dirt it should only take 24-72 hours. If it doesn't sprout in 3 days it's either in bad soil or it was over/under watered, or just a bad seed to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Seeds germinate best in warm (not hot), moist (not muddy) soil. They should also be kept under a light it will help the plant find it's way to the surface faster.


Well-Known Member
thanks yeah i know not to poke at them now lol. 2 out of 5 of my plants sprouted at least, hooray! now im goign to try very hard not to baby them to death. ive now got 2 new seeds in the pots from the failed ones, but the dirt in the 5th pot i have no use for, maybe ill give it to my wife and plant some indoor flowers.
im just worried that it might grow mold sitting there empty, tis still pretty wet


New Member
seeds die if they dry out during the germination process.

for this reason, i mist the top of my soil twice a day with warm water, and i have a sprout breaking ground in 3 days with a 1" taproot.


Well-Known Member
yeah, they also die if u dig them up every few hours because your stoned and cant stop worryign about your 800$ investment in grow equipment lol


New Member
LOLOL :dunce::cuss:

if you need seeds, i have some to spare

they are regular bush kush seeds. (jamacia blackout kush x random mexican sativa)

me and my friend just bred them.


Well-Known Member
nah thats ok, right now i have 2 polar express autos sprouted, and 2 feminized white widows germinating in pots. my plan now is to top and super crop the widows until the auto's are ready to harvest, then ill switch the widows into flower mode. if all goes well i should have smoke for quite a while. might even take a few clones off the widows and put them right into flower all at the same time, but im planning to far ahead, id like to see them sprout first lol.
thanks for the offer though


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in dirt,do you germinate before planting? Just wondering,I grow hydro right now.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in dirt,do you germinate before planting? Just wondering,I grow hydro right now.
no i just stuck them right in the soil, from what ive learned its fine to do that as seeds from reputable seed banks will pop 90% of the time, paranoia, excitment, and curosity just got the better of me


Well-Known Member
If you are growing in dirt,do you germinate before planting? Just wondering,I grow hydro right now.
I personally don't I just make a 1 inch hole in the soil and stick them in. 99% germination rate why mess with soggy paper towels when you can let nature do it's thing.


Well-Known Member
Simplest, safest and surest way of germinating is to just poke your seeds 1/4" deep into soil. Start goofing around with an emergent seedling and I think you are asking for problems. I never did understand why anyone would germinate a seed on a paper towel and try to plant a delicate hypocotyl. You can definitely do it, but why?


New Member
yeah, they also die if u dig them up every few hours because your stoned and cant stop worryign about your 800$ investment in grow equipment lol
digging them up really shouldnt kill them.

keep them in the soil, keep em moist. they will sprout man. dont see why they wouldnt, unless you let the soil dry out for more than a day.

ive also knocked over cup, and kicked the entire sprout out, taproot and all. put her back in and she grew fine..actually better than the other one that didnt get knocked over (this is how i know how long the taproot was on day 3, emergence day haha)


Well-Known Member
There are "root hairs" that are microscopic in size. Sure there are roots you can see, but whenever you jack around with a young delicate seedling you are probably doing damage to the root hairs, which is where the rubber hits the road as far as water/nutrient uptake actually occurs. This is not a theory, google root hair if you think this is BS. An absolute fact.


Well-Known Member
yeah, when i dug them up the 3rd day and they looked exactly the same as the first day when there tiny tap roots were out i gave up on em. conditions were right, the soil is warm and moist and everything, i just killed the poor little guys :(

althought the 2 that did sprout 1 poped its leaves out while still underground so im kinda glad i dug it out, and the other one came up with its seed still attached so i had to help it get out


New Member
dude they're supposed to unfold under the ground and reach for the light. no need to reposition them. if they sprouted a taproot they should grow i thought you meant the seed didn't crack.


Well-Known Member
yeah, when i dug them up the 3rd day and they looked exactly the same as the first day when there tiny tap roots were out i gave up on em. conditions were right, the soil is warm and moist and everything, i just killed the poor little guys :(

althought the 2 that did sprout 1 poped its leaves out while still underground so im kinda glad i dug it out, and the other one came up with its seed still attached so i had to help it get out
I really did not understand what you said but don't go fukkin around with tiny seedling root systems is my advice.


Well-Known Member
anyways lesson learned. its so hard to resist the urge to check on them every 5 seconds (especially when blitzed)
maybe they might have survived if i had just left them alone after the first time i checked on them, but after 3 days of no change and having dug them up repeatadly i figured i had done ireprabale damage (2 broken tap roots and 1 seed cracked but no root)
the 2 that did survive were the only ones that when i dug them up i managed to do it without moving them at all so they got lucky
anyways the replacements are planeted and im not disturbing these ones


New Member
yeah my first two plants, i messed with them a lot too when they were in the soil. one came out with a single feed leave cause of it.


Well-Known Member
on the bright side though 4 pots fit under my LED much better then 5 did, so maybe ill end up with bigger plants lol