Soil Germination Screwup


New Member
I'm new here and to growing mj and up till now thought there wasn't any type of plant i couldn't grow,up till now being key words. I planted 5 dutch passion fem white widow seeds,1 northern lights blue,and 1 la diva auto on the 13th in party cups with 4 filled with ffof and perlite and 3 in regular seed starter mix. All were planted up to an inch deep,watered and covered with clear plastic and placed under my 8 light t5 set at 4" above cups,temps stayed a constant 84 degrees in my grow closet. Checked soil morning and night to make sure it wasn't dried out and watered if it felt it was. Patience wore thin today with no sprouts and even though i know better that seeds can take up to 2 weeks to pop i started digging around. All 5 of the white widow seeds had a blue/green mold around the cracked edge where they did germinate but the taproot was mush and fuzzy lookin,the 2 other strain seeds had also sprung and had 1/8" taproots that looked like they were not healthy.I put the seeds direct into soil for germ when i started and didn't use the shotglass method.I'm thinkin i overwatered and drowned the little dudes as well as planted to deep-am i right?


Ya you want to germinate your seeds first (soak them in a shotglass for 24 hours). Also, an inch is waaaay too deep you should plant it twice as deep as the width of the seed (so not very deep at all, twice the width not the length).

Seeds don't like light, you want to keep them in the dark until they sprout then move under light. But ya I'm sure you drowned them from putting them waaaay too deep in the soil.


Active Member
wet some paper towel fold them in it, put it in a plastic bag and put it in your sock drawer for three or four days. when they look like little sperm with their tail sticking out, stick them in the dirt (tail pointing down) or I would think about some rockwool or something similar. then give them light and water and should be fine. good luck


Well-Known Member
go to mandala's web site
he tells you NEVER to put humidity domes (platic wrap etc) over seedlings!
Domes are for unrooted clones only, and too much humidity can cause your plants to mold

I think that is the major problem
if you continue with domes, at least put holes in them so oxygen can get to the seed.bongsmilie. this is very important