Soil grow plants aprx3ft transfer to DWC? Even possible?


Just got some nice strain plants I adopted from someone who was having a problem with spider mites. I've ridded the mite problem and am not too familiar with soil. Id like to know if anyone as any knowledge or have ever tried to transfer a plant from soil to water. If not maybe ill finally have a thread that'll spark your interest :)



Active Member
I have gone from hydro to soil but never from soil to hydro,I guess you could with the right care,but why not clone from the plant then you can keep it going as long as you want


From the spider mites the plant is pretty scraggly. I think that DWC would cause it to get healthier quicker seeing as I wanted ALOT of clones off it. That and I have no soil plants or equipment. like a DWC Rejuvenation if you will.... ill post some pics if itll help


Active Member
I dont know but you may have to modify the net pot to let the roots go through because they most likely have a fairly good size root ball so I would cut the net pot to let some roots go through and then fill the rest of the pot with your grow medium and start out with a low ppm at first maybe around 400 or so just to see what its going to do and then raise it up from there,the plants will no doubt have some shock issues but I think it could be done


Well-Known Member
My advice is not to bother, that is if the roots are fairly established. I think you said the plant is about 3 ft which to me says it's already got a well developed root system. I tried this once and honestly I am not sure what killed the plant but I think it was a combination of me breaking so many roots trying to get it in something to hold it after I washed the soil off and transplant shock. I basically washed the roots clean with water and H2O2 then tried suspending the plant by the stem in a 6" net pot with the bottom cut out. I think if I had to do it again I would try to do it slowly, trimming off the edges off the soil sort of pruning the roots until they were manageable. Again this may not be possible with the plants condition now and of course you may want results quick. YMMV but I would just clone it a few times and start them in hydro. In any case you should post pics and keep us updated. Good luck and happy growing.


Thanks for everything guys. SO heres the deal. did my own research and got some superthrive to put in my water im going to soak the plant in and got Azatrol Insecticide for the Mites. Total Cost $28 dollars. Im taking some before pics and then ill update in a hour with what i got in mind. i think it should work good


So roots in soil are much smaller and more spread out than that of hydro so its much more difficult to get the soil out of the roots. Think leaving it in its light ppm nute solution like dwc just without a lid would be good? I think im going to do that and put a aggressive airstone in there to break down the small stuff. Then maybe ill have a mushy brown liquid that has more soil in it then the roots


Active Member
Sounds like a plan... It's worth a shot just try to keep as much stress towards the plant low... But it should work...


Well-Known Member
Personally I don't think that plant is worth the effort unless it's a rare strain or something.

You may even successfully get it growing in water, but future problems are a possibility. Why not just spend the fifteen or twenty dollars or whatever for a fresh clone you know will grow properly?


Active Member
You could... Make your own soil with peat/perlite/worm castings ect and forget the dwc and get it healthy again and just keep 18 hr light and take clones when she's healed... Just curious if anythigs worked so far keep us updated...


Still living. They had spoder mites so after tomorrow my insecticide will be done and ill bring in inside, pics tonight or tomorrow?


Not good nor bad. Mites are off and cleaned away but i decided to just chop the momma down. For the sake of my space and amount of clones I needed it was the smartest decision. I got posts in my journal if you wanna check it out. Thanks everyone for you thoughts


lordjin, the plant was given to me as a gift from someone of important interests per say. He is a well off man interested in growing and this was his product (lol) my idea was to take his failure and turn it around to show him how good the DWC is compared to what he was doing. Not successful but my other room was enough to get him to consider out arrangement. Also i have other plants I have as mothers I just like cutting it all down at once so I was waiting to do so. I agree with ya it wasnt anything special.

bigfat, I was thinking about doing this but I recently saw a massive outdoor crop of 24 plants and was so impressed I am in the process of finding a place to do this with next year. its almost fall and its getting a bit colder so it might not even have made it. Either way I plan on doing a 8 month outdoor crop the same way as the fellow's I just saw. it took my breath away, and I thought i was going to stick with hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
Well IME you will be pretty busy keeping up with your outdoor stuff but it is definitely true, you will be blown away. Good luck and happy growing!