Soil grower wanting to try coco is it really worth the jump ? Hassle ?

Tried soil a few times and love it. The end result is all I care about "" taste ". As in not harsh on the throat , tried smoke grown in hydro and the plant/ buds just can not get rid of harsh taste even after a flush IMHO

never smoked anything grown in coco , is it the same as hydro ?

I only grow a few plants at a time . So would like to try bump up the yeild on the keepers I have and enjoy , which are very low yielders, after a 12 week veg and 10 week flower my plants never yeild more that 1.5 oz dry

Can any body convince me it's worth the change ?

Be grateful for any helpful replays

peace :)


Active Member
did you read the coco growers unite thread? I do not have any input to give as I do not know coco. I am curious though to your set up and how many plants you grew in soil to yield 1.5 oz.


New Member
peat moss is a good alternative to coco, but it compacts more easily.

if you use coco, you should use distilled water, or filtered phd tap water, and you should feed more often.


Well-Known Member
peat moss is a good alternative to coco, but it compacts more easily.

if you use coco, you should use distilled water, or filtered phd tap water, and you should feed more often.
Don't listen to this kid, he has never grown a healthy plant in soil, much less coco or peat moss.
Her is also incorrect. You can use tap water with coco and peat moss, no problem.

He lives with his mother and thinks that humans created hermaphrodites.
did you read the coco growers unite thread? I do not have any input to give as I do not know coco. I am curious though to your set up and how many plants you grew in soil to yield 1.5 oz.
thank you for the helpful reply :)

I looked around and couldn't find a thread for coco was why I posted this tread :)

i grow 4 plants

set up is 4x4 / 1.2m tent using a 250w blue cfl iv veg for 8 weeks from clone then on to a 600w duel spec bulb for another 4-6 weeks finale pot is 10 ltrs/ 2 1/2gallon pots


Well-Known Member
You must have had crappy hydro. Flushing is pretty much a myth, fert is not in buds.
Coco is hydro.

IMO, coco will not make better weed than soil, but it will produce more and quicker. I can get an extra run in each year in coco instead of soil. I grow in soil outside.

Coco is much more work than soil if you are hand watering.


Active Member
thank you for the helpful reply :)

I looked around and couldn't find a thread for coco was why I posted this tread :)

i grow 4 plants

set up is 4x4 / 1.2m tent using a 250w blue cfl iv veg for 8 weeks from clone then on to a 600w duel spec bulb for another 4-6 weeks finale pot is 10 ltrs/ 2 1/2gallon pots

Ah, I understand now. A couple of things, which do not have to do with 'coco' or 'soil' for that matter... strictly lighting and container size vs. veg time. These are my opinions, so please look around for others, but I think that I am pretty accurate in my statements.
Ok, first off there is not enough light in my opinion for 4 plants... unless that 600w duel spec bulb is an HID light.. then you are fine. Now vegging for 8 weeks in a 2.6 gallon container is a pretty long veg time, unless your plants did not reach a certain height before flip. You could have been dealing with root bound plants given your time frame/container size. I would go for 5 gallon finishing pots and use your 2.6 gallon pots as transition into the 5 gallons. I prefer 1 gallon transition pots as they are easier to transplant to a 5 or 7 gallon pot.
As for the coco growers unite thread can be found here:

Good luck and Happy grows!!!
You must have had crappy hydro. Flushing is pretty much a myth, fert is not in buds.
Coco is hydro.

IMO, coco will not make better weed than soil, but it will produce more and quicker. I can get an extra run in each year in coco instead of soil. I grow in soil outside.

Coco is much more work than soil if you are hand watering.

Thanks for the reply :)

Yeah kind of thought coco be same as hydro , just hoped it might of not been the same as each smoke iv had from hydro is not nice at all even after a good flush ,

yeah hear what your saying about ferts are not in buds :) my teacher told me just the same thing ;) it's converted in to starch and sugars through the leaves . And its the carbon that we want to flush out .

I'd still like to try 1 plant in coco see for my self ;)
pthanks again for the reply


New Member
coco is hydro, and it likes a ph of 5.5-6, hence why i say filter the ph buffers our of tap water. trousers is just mad.

soil likes a higher ph. im running some better soil now, full of long strands of peat moss. organic soil will produce the stronger, tastiest buds.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a myth, you can feed in hydro up to the day you cut it.
Stopping feeding in hydro is stressful for plants.

I think my coco weed is better than some of my friend's soil weed.
That is because I am a better grower, not because of the medium.


Well-Known Member
coco is hydro, and it likes a ph of 5.5-6, hence why i say filter the ph buffers our of tap water. trousers is just mad.
In coco for most plants you want a ph of 5.8. You can raise it up a bit during flowering if you want.
bmeat has never grown a healthy plant and lives with his mommy.
bmeat has never grown in hydro and is trying to give people advice about it.


New Member
watch my journal.

i bet i could run a coco grow fine if i wanted to, but espoma sponsored me and now sends me their soil to use on my "herb garden" as long as i send them progress photos.

during flower, you should flush a couple times, or else you will run into issues, even with organic hydro nutes.
Ah, I understand now. A couple of things, which do not have to do with 'coco' or 'soil' for that matter... strictly lighting and container size vs. veg time. These are my opinions, so please look around for others, but I think that I am pretty accurate in my statements.
Ok, first off there is not enough light in my opinion for 4 plants... unless that 600w duel spec bulb is an HID light.. then you are fine. Now vegging for 8 weeks in a 2.6 gallon container is a pretty long veg time, unless your plants did not reach a certain height before flip. You could have been dealing with root bound plants given your time frame/container size. I would go for 5 gallon finishing pots and use your 2.6 gallon pots as transition into the 5 gallons. I prefer 1 gallon transition pots as they are easier to transplant to a 5 or 7 gallon pot.
As for the coco growers unite thread can be found here:

Good luck and Happy grows!!!
again thank you for the very helpful reply :)

yes it is a 600w hid duel spec I use in last 4 weeks of veg and 10 weeks flower , And I think you might be on to some thing about root bound . As they are drying up very quick can give 1 1/2 ltrs of water or feed and be dry the next day , with good humidity and temps , read that a root bound pot will show these signs .

Am going to go with that advice on potting up a week or so before flower in to bigger pots .

thanks for the helpful replies vey much appreciated ;)


Well-Known Member
watch my journal.
You have never grown a healthy plant. You are an idiot and should not post advice.

i bet i could run a coco grow fine if i wanted to,
No you couldn't.

but espoma sponsored me and now sends me their soil to use on my "herb garden" as long as i send them progress photos.

You are so cute and precious. Go hug your mommy.

during flower, you should flush a couple times, or else you will run into issues, even with organic hydro nutes.
What are you basing this on, your personal experience of killing plants?
This is not true, you are an idiot.

Now you are an expert on "organic hydro nutes"?


New Member
You have never grown a healthy plant. You are an idiot and should not post advice.

No you couldn't.

You are so cute and precious. Go hug your mommy.

What are you basing this on, your personal experience of killing plants?
This is not true, you are an idiot.

Now you are an expert on "organic hydro nutes"?


Well-Known Member
You have never grown a healthy plant. You are an idiot and should not post advice.

No you couldn't.

You are so cute and precious. Go hug your mommy.

What are you basing this on, your personal experience of killing plants?
This is not true, you are an idiot.

Now you are an expert on "organic hydro nutes"?
Lmao funny stuff