Soil help?


Active Member
depends on your base mix. i use sunshine #4 and add bat guano,worm castings,dolimite lime,bone and blood meal. there are some good soil recipies on this site as well.


Active Member
i have good results using one large bag MG moisrure control... one small bag mushroom compost... one small bag cow shit... one small bag bat shit.. 2 small bags perlite... water it till wet and let it cook in the sun for a month... then i dont feed untill flowering... unless she asks me too..


Well-Known Member
i dunno if this would help and i sure as shit wouldnt try it in an indoor grow but i know a few guys that grow roses and they swear by dead fish, no kidding btw, they'll go fishing catch a pike or trout and bury the fucker in the soil next to their flowers. personally i'll stick to 70%miracle grow, 25% perlite ,5% vermiculite and dont compact it too much, i dont need to give any nute for the first 4 weeks or so and my yeild is always decent.


Active Member
i dunno if this would help and i sure as shit wouldnt try it in an indoor grow but i know a few guys that grow roses and they swear by dead fish, no kidding btw, they'll go fishing catch a pike or trout and bury the fucker in the soil next to their flowers. personally i'll stick to 70%miracle grow, 25% perlite ,5% vermiculite and dont compact it too much, i dont need to give any nute for the first 4 weeks or so and my yeild is always decent.
im trying hair for the first time... and yes ive used fish outdoors..


Active Member
I make my own mix of soil when i grew im not a pro but i got
poting soil
building sand
worm castings
and a pre mix of 12-6-6 i belive its been like a year and a half since i grew so i unno if thats right

The perlite and building sand was good for the roots my plants grew really fast and building sand does not have salt and bad stuff in it