Soil + Manure


Well-Known Member
Im a first time in India.

I'm getting soil mixed with animal manure.. tell me if it is good or not.
Also, what nutrients should I get along with the soil? I've heard organic soil contains too much nutes for seedlings and they get nute burns.. is it true?
Help please? :)


Active Member
India???? Thats pretty rad.
Depending on what kind of manure it might be too hot for any plants at first. I'd let it compost for a month or so, turning regularly and adding some hay or other available grasses. Also, for your seedlings....worm castings(worm poop) is good to mix in to your soil at about 10%. Manure from almost any herbivore can be utilized for soil compost. Good luck. Any other questions?


Well-Known Member
soak the manure in water and make a cow-poo tea to feed your ladys I do it and they love it I justs use it for the veggie stage.


Well-Known Member
okay, thanks guys...
i got some local soil mixed with organic matter... grass, some animal shit..
and i got a bag of Manure... i didnt add the manure to soil just now cos i just planted my seeds, i'll add it later i think...

Now, how much should i water it?
I waterd it once just after i put my seeds do i know when to water?

And, what ferts/nutes do i need? and how do i feed it?


Active Member
A compost pile consists of green nitrogenous material and brown leafy material. Mulched or whole leaves are placed as a bottom layer or any other brown matter. Then, on the next layer you put grass clippings, vegetable scraps, hay, or green plant matter. You continue to layer until you have your desired mass. Keep it moist but not too wet. Let it sit. Turn it every once in awhile until it becomes a rich brown color and consistency of soil. Compost. There are also other ways to do it.... Such as in a bin with a bottom drawer or board that comes out so you can remove the stuff that is ready from the bottom. You can also use a wire fencing to make a round cylindrical enclosure which you can just turn upside down when needing to flip. Hope this helps. Peace and Bud.


Active Member
Glad to help... O and by the way, how is smoking out of a chillum?? Never used one. I'm pretty set with my vaporizer and have quit smoking since.


Well-Known Member
lol, good that u quit smoking..

Chillum is like a gun dude, it just shoots u without warning...its like u cant even imagine the high after one or two chillum hits, ur down! :D


Active Member
How ironic I ask this question... My vape just broke a couple days ago, So I've been hitting the bubbler. Seriously considering getting a chillum. Sounds like a killer. Stone?


Well-Known Member
Dude, u have to know how to smoke a chillum, its very traditional and all :P

Come down to India once, we'll smoke up the best stuff in the world :D


Active Member
Yea what's with this cupping action I see with the bottom hand? Does it create a chamber or something? And that would be dope...Where in india are you?