Soil Mix help


Soil Mix
  • Foxfarm ocean forrest
  • Light warrior seed start
  • Perlite
  • Organic Garden Lime
I got 2 gals pots, and 5 gal pots for final transplant and im going to start in a rapid rooter (first germinated with paper towel method) until I move them into a 2 gal pots.

Mixing ffof with Light warrrior 2:1 ratio? and a teaspoon of lime per gallon? and about 20 percent more perlite.

Can anyone help me the ratio mix of FFOF and Lightwarrior? and how much lime to add per gallon? Thank you


Well-Known Member
I would start in light warrior then transplant into o.f. no need to mix them imo, they're for different stages of life. Imo you could use all o.f without happy frog as well. But since you've got it, might as well use it.

I use 1 TABLEspoon of dolomite lime per gallon. (From growmore)


Well-Known Member
Oh and I toss a couple handfuls of perlite in as well, just like you have planned. The FF soils shouldn't dissappint.

Goodluck and have fun. :)