Soil Mix Ratio's


Active Member
i making a soil mix but need to know how much of each amendment to add,

here's what i got

10 large bags of soil
5kg box of blood and bone meal
box of seaweed extract
box of dolmite lime
box of bat guano
box of epsom salts
1 bag of worm castings
4 bags of perlite
1kg of endo/ecto mychorrhizal fungi

anybody any ideas of a good mix with these things, will be using 5gal pots


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil are in the bags and are you planning on plain water throughout?

im sure you have seen sub's recipe. sounds like you could put something like that together with your ingredients.


Active Member
i have 50litre bags of screened sterile top soil

also will be feeding with bio bizz grow and bloom and worm casting tea every so often


Active Member
I am new to organics and making my own soil amendments. but What I found to be the most helpful was to make a smaller sized version of SS say like 1/4 of what Sub's recipe calls for. Meanwhile I've always been big into gardening so I added a few other admendments I thought useful and just made a batch, then just have tweaked from there. Time consuming i know and I guess I didn't really help you out with shit! lol my bad.


Well-Known Member
I would go with a cup per cubic ft myself that is how my mix works. I add somethings more than others though but start there and change as you grow. dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
[h=2]~shabang~'s worm casting method[/h] The mix that I recommend is basically nothing but castings and drainage. I used to cut it with all sorts of things, including soilless peat-based mixes like pro-mix.. but then you're introducing a source for pH problems-- especially when others try and duplicate it but can't find the right brands then substitute with a peat-mix that is too acidic. So down to the bare basics of a mix:

40% castings
30% perlite
30% vermiculite