Soil Mix?


Well-Known Member
Would this soil mix good or am I using to much compost?

1 3.8 cu ft Pro-Mix
1 3 cu ft Gardner Bloome Organic Compost (forest humus, chicken manure, earth worm casing, bat guano, gypsum, kelp meal, oyster shell, lime and dolomite, and mycorrhizae)
1 cu ft Perlite #3 size


Well-Known Member
Whethrer or not any soil mix is "good", really depends on an overall stratigy - so we know how you're going to use it.

But I'd say it looks good - if I were to change anything, I would use more Perlite!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions. I will go ahead and add another cubic feet of perlite. I used to use just plain Pro-Mix but after reading other post about soil mixes I thought that I should add some compost and just wanted some advice about how much to use ofeach. Thanks again for the replies.