Soil Mixes (TheGodBodyStyle)


Well-Known Member
I've been looking around for a while for a good, straight soil mix that would suit my growing conditions as well as growing some ripper buds.
I found this the other day on youtube, I really like the look of the mix, but I'm not quite sure if it's a legit, good mix.

Tell me what you think.

(All credit goes to TheGodBodyStyle on youtube)



Well-Known Member
Do you really expect people here to sit through a 17 minute YouTube presentation so they can give you thier opinion? If you really want some answers; here's what you do.

Summerize this guy's YouTube blip down to a simple, easy to read, recipe. Post that recipe here and then ask what we think about it.


Well-Known Member
I see it's been 2 days and nobody has answered the OP's question, so, appearently I was right!

Two people did respond to my comment though, so I guess I should answer them.

Samwell Seed Well said - "so 17 min isnt worth possibly making you a better grower . . . ok "
My response - I'm perfectly happy with my soil, so the answer is no, not really!

Shadowkiller said - "Do you expect me to read an entire 500 pages book to start growing Grade A cannabis? No thanks, I'll spend the same amount of time asking on Forums for misinformation."
My responce - I don't expect anything from you at all (that includes watching a 17 min. YouTube flick and answering the OP's question!). But I do expect that anyone serious enough to be seeking out the secrets of growing "Grade A cannabis" will read at least 500 pages from somewhere! Please, by all means, feel free to seek out all of the "misinformation" you think is needed.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so my curiousity got the best of me and I watched the video. Yeah, it sounds like a legit recipe for "Soil". My only concern was that he used "Jamaican" bat guano (high P) instead of "Mexican" bat guano (high N) for a small plant that still needed more "Vegging".

All things cosidered, that's probably a minor issue! It just seems that the "Jamaican" would have been a better choice for "Flowering".