Soil mixture question


Active Member
Hi all,
I have germinated and planted 6 Endless Sky beans.The germination went fine but now I'm second guessing my soil choices.I am in a rural area in central Ontario and we just have a hardware store with limited garden soil at this time.So, thinking I would save some money I bought their cheapest potting soil.So it turns out that the soil is too heavy, I mean I added verm. and perl. to it and then ran water through it till it came out of the drainage holes.It felt heavy(thick) to me at the time but my beans had germed and this being my first grow, i guess i panicked and planted them anyway.I thought the perlite would make the soil airy so i didnt worry about the cheap soil.Now, is there anything I can do to give the germies a chance to grow in the wet thick soil or should i start over?I have moved the beer cups i have them in close to a floor heating vent to help dry out the soil a bit.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Just give 'em time. How long has it been? Sometimes it can take 10+ days for sprouts to poke their heads out.


Active Member
Well it's been 2 days since i put the germies in soil.Today, two have sprouted and are under lights.The soil is a bit less heavy with water in the other 4 cups
after drying out a bit near the heating vent so things are looking up.Thanks for your reply, I thought I had drowned them.