Soil mixture


Im making an indoor soil mix and was looking for opinions/predictions to how it will perform and was wondering what strength i should go about using ferts at. open to all input. Thank you. :joint::joint::joint:

3parts:Sunshine #4 mix (3.8 Black bag)
1part :Worm castings
1part :Cow Manure
1part :Builders sand
adding: 40% perlite to the volume of the worm castings and manure combined
adding: 1 teaspoon of garden lime per gallon of worm castings, builders sand and manure
Fertilizer: Sensi Grow / Bloom A&b, big bud, overdrive, final phase
and Cal-mag


New Member
dont know much about sunshine mix
but other then that sounds like a good mixture

i use promix, mixed in i use 1/4 bag sheep manure, 1/4 bag shrimp compost also addin a little peatmoss plants seem to love it


RIU Bulldog
no one knows anything about soil...lame...:leaf:
What up chemmy?
Did you know you got arrested recently? Bummer....
The whole idea about mixing your own soil is that you don't want to have to use nutrients until the ones in the soil are gone or if your plant is specifically heavy in one area ie like Mag. With a good mixed sil, you shouldn't have to give it anything but pure water. I have a recipe somewhere around here let me look for it and we can compare.


RIU Bulldog
Here's a few notes and soil mixes I've gathered online-
MrSoul's soiless mix to be used with MrSoul's guano tea.
Soul's Mix

50% Pro-mix
25% perlite
25% wormcastings

mix in a cup of dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil & wet the mix with an organic tea made from dissolving a cup of PSG in a 5-gallon bucket of water.

Soul's Guano Tea

-veg mix

1part Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1part High N Bat Guano
1part Earth Worm Castings(EWC)

@ 1cup mix/5G H2O every 3rd watering.

-flowering nute mix:

1part PSG
1part EWC
1part High P Guano

@ 2cups/5G H2O EVERY watering.

-and yseedlings<1 month old nute mix

1cup EWC/5G H2O every 3rd watering

Soul uses a "Tea Bag" and lets it sit in 5 gallons of water overnight.
A sock, knee high panty hose or bandana can be used as a tea bag.
The tea should look like a mud puddle.
Agitate the bag in the water vigorously.

Here's mine-
ProMix HP - base (bale)
Jersey Greensand - slow release potassium and trace elements
Earthworm Castings - nitrogen
Rock Phosphate - vegan alternative to bone meal
Kelp Meal - vitamins & minerals
Azomite - minerals and trace elements
Dolomite Lime - pH buffering
Alfalfa Meal - N source; animal-free alternative to blood meal
Diotomaceous Earth - bug and larva control
Calcined Clay (turface)
Epsom Salt - Mag source
Espoma Soil Perfecter - pretty good product and reusable. after I tried it I liked it


dont know much about sunshine mix
but other then that sounds like a good mixture

i use promix, mixed in i use 1/4 bag sheep manure, 1/4 bag shrimp compost also addin a little peatmoss plants seem to love it
do you fertilize on that ?