Soil pH


Well-Known Member
I keep reading about optimal soil pH levels and how it affects nutrient uptake. Yet I'm wondering how many people actually test their soil pH and water if they are doing outdoor grows and using soilless or soil growing medium. Also, any recommendations for a pH tester would be appreciated. I'm on a budget and can't drop more than $40 on a tester.
I would just buy a big bag of lime to mix in and get it to 7ph I know lowes has a like 20lb bag for like 8$ but I'm new to outdoors that's just imo
LOL...truthfully, you won't need to really test the soil for PH as long as you get some decent quality soil.
haha thanks. I am using pretty much all organic mediums and keeping the mix very simple with minimal addatives. I plan on getting a cheap pH meter just for giggles but won't be too nit-picky about pH'ing everything all the time.

I just find it weird how I've read already 3 grow books and countless articles and they are always talking about soil pH, water pH, and how important it is but I can't even find information on how to accurately measure the soil pH and what the tools options are.
so my water comes out very high like 8 +. alot of people claim with organics PH regulation is unnecessary; but i like to add a little bit of earth juice grow/ cat to my waterings; to bring the ph to the perfect level :) my plants look lush as fuck; and they are only in promix right now; not even in super soil