soil problem

Smoked It

So the first time I used soil, My seedling came out and looked healthy. I started to notice a white hair like mold growing on the top rim of the pot. 2 Days later, The Mold Killed My plant and I started over. Now I have like 5 seedlings, and I bought small pebbles to keep the mold from killing it . I put the pebbles over the soil and that seems to be working .is that okay? and My ph levels seem pretty good . anything I need to do:?: any advise from anyone that I doing wrong:?:


Well-Known Member
So the first time I used soil, My seedling came out and looked healthy. I started to notice a white hair like mold growing on the top rim of the pot. 2 Days later, The Mold Killed My plant and I started over. Now I have like 5 seedlings, and I bought small pebbles to keep the mold from killing it . I put the pebbles over the soil and that seems to be working .is that okay? and My ph levels seem pretty good . anything I need to do:?: any advise from anyone that I doing wrong:?:
mold is caused by over watering i think...


Well-Known Member
put a fan blowing over your pot. Even a slight breeze will prevent, "damp off", and other assorted molds from growing.