Soil Question

Grow mo

Active Member
hello everyone, i am using Happy Frog Soil from Fox Farm and i was just wonderin when the soil will run outta nutes for the plant, and i will have to start using fertalizer. to get a sense of drainage i water every other day and sometimes every day. please reply, i dont want to disturb the rapid growth stage by not supplying the plant with the right amount of food.

Grow Mo


Active Member
I'd think after the first 30 days it would be time to start feeding. ^^^ Unless of course they start yellowing earlier than that then give them some veg juice. =)


Active Member
i wait about 30 days with ff ocean forest never used happy frog,although i havnt used it seems like it would hold water enough that evry day or every other is way to much watering

Grow mo

Active Member
na it drys out fairly quikly, espiecally with 30 percent perlite and little 3 gallon buckets