Soil Question


Active Member
This is probably a stupid question as it is answered on the bag but, my girlfriend picked up the wrong kind of soil. It is for annuals and perennials and has slow release fertilizer in it, it says not to use it in pots. I'm starting some Lowryder #2's this weekend and plan to pot them and leave them outside will the use of this soil be detrimental to or hinder their growth in any way (it is .15 .1 .15 i think I'll double check later but the soil they suggest has .01 less in each category)? I have the receipt and can return it and get the correct stuff if needed I just don't feel like going all the way out to home depot again.


Active Member
I looked all over where I live and my only option would be to make my own, and that requires too much effort for me, and since I have no idea what I'm doing (this will be my first grow) I'd rather go with a sure thing.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a local store like Meyers or something to that extent that sells Grocerys/Electronics/sporting goods ect.. type stores, I noticed where i live they sell some black gold which i heard is pretty good. try checking out those stores, Lowes/HomeDepot suck balls as far as soil goes IMO.


Active Member
I live in Canada so I'm stuck with either huge chains like home depot or tiny local places. The tiny local place near me doesn't have an organic mix, I'd have to buy everything and make it from scratch.


Well-Known Member
so to answer your question, the soil would probably work, but you may have to adjust some things due to some deficiency's


Well-Known Member
Don't use the time release it will just give you problems!!Use 1/3 peat moss,1/3 perlite( both non-miracle grow), 1/3 some kind of compost (I use mushroom), this will have some nutrients but isn't a danger to your plants. Add 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix to take care of calcium and magnesium. This will give you a good mix that won't burn your plants. It will have little to no nutrients so you will need to use a water based fertilizer at about the 2 week mark. For vegging use something that is high in nitrogen, and for flowering I've heard Schultz Bloom nutrients work really well (10-54-10) you should be able to find something. Just stay away from time released nutrients!