Soil question

Alan Yoneda

I just watched this YouTube video where this guy was saying if you transplant your clones into soil, not to feed them because the soil has food in it for 2 weeks. Feed them meaning what? Nutrients? Water? Is that true. Sorry im a newb


Well-Known Member
I just watched this YouTube video where this guy was saying if you transplant your clones into soil, not to feed them because the soil has food in it for 2 weeks. Feed them meaning what? Nutrients? Water? Is that true. Sorry im a newb


Well-Known Member
If its good soil you don't need added nutrients.

Start in a small plastic beer cup, poke holes in the bottom for drainage. Then pot up as the plant grows. This way each time you pot up, you are "feeding" them.


Well-Known Member
A lot of that is manufacturers' hype, eh? I use MiracleGro Potting Mix for my entire grows and those bags claim to have nutrients to support a plant for 3 months. Ignore that. I use the MG PM just like regular dirt. I water new seedlings with just plain water first 2 weeks in dirt then they get nute-water daily like everyone else from then on. Most of the time when we refer to nutes it is in reference to some additive, dry or wet, that we add to each gallon of water. You can follow package instructions or experiment. I suggest starting out at 1/4 or 1/2 of the suggested strength. Watch it from then out and adjust if needed. Chances are you won't have to adjust much or anything.

Good luck, BigSteve.