I’m hoping after rove beetles have done their due diligence there will be no larvae or pest left to worry about.. I’m not so sure that will be the case but I hope. Lady bugs for back up. Any other recommendations? Recommended IPM sprays? Thanks
I have been seeing good results with cannacontrol and pyganic alternating every other week. I try to get 2 sprays of each in before week 2 of flower.
Also spinosad sprays are decent.

then I also use sns209 I think it is. The systemic one. Root drench 5 days ina row during early veg. And again during flowering stretch.
All these options will not harm your beneficials
Love it! One day… for now that gives me the eebie jeebies lmfao. Still getting used to the insects inside lol
For those unfamiliar:
Fort Vee Vermont Compst ingredients: “Blended from manure compost; sphagnum peat moss; crushed, washed screened granite/basalt blend; coconut coir; vermiculite; gypsum; blood meal; kelp; bone meal.”

nectar of the gods #8 ingredients: “A variation on Nectar’s Blend #4 potting mix, this blend has the same ingredients, with 50% perlite for increased drainage. sphagnum peat moss, perlite, coir fiber, pumice, mycorrhizal fungi, yucca meal, kelp meal, bone meal, diatomaceous earth, clay, basalt, oyster shell (for pH adjustment), humus and lime (for pH adjustment).”
I’ve used all three of VT composts soils including their cannabis specific one when I started and have since found the growth in buildasoil (and I Imagine other better put together blends) to be much quicker and more vigorous. Personally I’d shoot for a higher ratio of nectars or even try 100%. Curious to see how this goes!
I'm about to make a mix of a 2 to 1 ratio. 2 parts fort vee to a part of pro mix hp. Adding in alot of rice hulls in hopes of getting a lighter soil.
I'm about to make a mix of a 2 to 1 ratio. 2 parts fort vee to a part of pro mix hp. Adding in alot of rice hulls in hopes of getting a lighter soil.
Silica sand, is the only sand that provides air and drainage does not hold water. Greensand, always in My mix. It'll hold 40-50% water (35 minerals ++)