Soil solutions thread


Active Member
Hey, this year I'm about to start my second grow. I'm just using bagseed most likely because I have alot and I really just don't trust ordering online... Every site seems to have something fucky with it like it glitches, or the info is inconsistent, or they only have seeds to look at and you have to order a catalog, or its a scam... It's bs and a pain so Im thinking just bagseed because it came from some dank buds.

I want to be able to get the most out of this grow. It's just really hard for me to acquire things I need to get quality bud as my parents aren't really cool with it however aren't against it like some parents, they know I use for anxiety. But anyway I was looking at the soldiers co-op thread on here and saw those buds.. Omg that is some amazing outdoor kron better than alot of indoor.. It would be awesome to get results like that but in my area outdoor weed is really shitty usually.. All crows feet leaves and tastes not very good.
I'd love to get dense heavy harvests outside but I don't have the resources to get that kind of dirt.. Those were 300gal smart pots in the soldier coop i think right? Thats insane aha the only soil I have access to is bagged topsoil.. Luckily misses works at the hardware store so I plan to buy my equipment when she's working so I won't get any weird looks from the cashier when I have bags of dirt and buckets and nutrients.. But like how do u even get that much dirt? I can't get a dump truck load as much as I would love to... Also last year I grew in this topsoil from home hardware and it was bad it grew so slowly.. However I had them in tiny pots like gallon pots.

I really sorry about the quality of my final buds cus last year my friends parents grew some, and their plant was around waist high and when they cut it down the buds were so fluffy like barely buds at all.. You know the stuff at the end of hay? It looked like that attached to spindly stems with few pistils.. It was not good at all and I just don't want to take so much risk and so much time.and effort just to get some shitty weed that I don't even wanna smoke.. Also I don't wanna have like no harvest weight like some people get pounds some people get half oz per plant what's the line in the sand? What can people do when they live in a house in town and can't have a truck dump off a load of soil and then spend the day mixing 1000 gal of soil and bone and blood meal lol you guys put in so much work that I just don't have time for with school and work, and don't have money to get that kind of stuff, and don't have my own private property, my fam has 100 acres tho so I'm lucky there.

How can I maximize yeild and quality with little resources? My natural soil here is nonexistant.. You stick a shovel anywhere into the ground here and it will CLANG after about 2 inches and hit a rock.. So digging big holes and mixing in nutrients isn't an option. I was thinking 5gal buckets but after seeing the soldier coop thread it just scared me lol.. Like this guy had massive pots and said he mixed alot of bone and blood meal in an nutrients which I don't have.. What about quadruple layered garbage bags with holes and plant them in those? Holds more soil but then there's the issue of getting all that soil.. And making it fertile soil to make the girls reach for the sky.. Seeing them from the air or from anybody around I don't think is really an issue in my situation which is why I wanted to get these great
I would use the soil on your families land. You can get alfalfa from a feed store to use as mulch and that will add some nutrients. Manure is another resource you likely have access too. Usually you can find people on Craig's list that will let you come pick up bucket loads of it for free from horse ranches or cattle/chicken farms. Rabbit manure is great too. Look for already composted manure if you can. Start composting too. There are so many ways you can improve your soil without spending much at all. Growing barley over the off season and then tilling the straw into the soil each spring can add a lot of nutrients.
U don't get it tho I really don't have any soil at all.. There is an inch or two deep of mainly leaves, cedar needles/dirt and then bedrock.. I really don't think it would be possible to grow much of anything in this, we couldn't even grow a food plot to feed deer and that's just alfalfa/beans and stuff
5 gal buckets work well you won't be able to grow a monster but you can still get nice plants. Store soil can be a so so proposition so I would get a few manures chicken, cow, horse, bunny and blend that with the store bought plus maybe a little grass clippings or leaves.
Make sure to put dain holes in the buckets so the roots don't water log and rot. Put them in a spot to maximize sun water accordingly that should get you going.
I saw some cool pics from an Aussie grower on here where he grew in rocks. He filled in natural bowl like spots with his soil mix. Ruby may remember the guys thread. He did it up nice and brought in water for drip irrigation. His plants looked great. Those pictures of his spot may give you some good ideas.
Any farms by you? If so than hit them up. Most will be glad to give you as much manure/compost as you can handle. If you feel awkward on going there, say your grams has a garden your trying spruce up for her. When you get to the manure pile, look on the outskirts of that pile, look for mounds that were ever looked and forgotten about. Some may have weed or grass cover. What your looking for is a very old manure pile or just the outskirts of the pile. If /when you find it it will be good soil, well composted and not to hot as to burn your plants. It will look like the stuff you would buy in a bag but better and free! If you got a dollar store or supermarket around then get some of those reusable grocerie bags. There like $1 each and work greast as grow bags.. Good weed comes from good seeds/genetics. If you're getting any Mexican bag seed stuff. Than you may not even have enough time for it to flower long enough. There are allot of variables.. Education is key, the more you know the better your grow.. Learn as much as you can and start out small if you don't have the time etc...
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Also topsoil from the hardware store is not what you want. Especially if you are using pots. You want potting mix for pots. Bagged topsoil will be no bueno. Kemosabe's idea is a good one. That old manure is probably full of worms too. Good stuff.