Soil Suggestions Needed


Hi all, I'm starting an indoor grow here pretty soon and I've got everything done except soil. I've seen some people talking about Fox Farm Ocean and BlackGold All purpose, just looking for some suggestions on what you guys think would be the best standalone soil. If it matters im growing Autos as it's my first grow attempt.
Thanks guys!

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Active Member
I'd reccomend against either of those options tbh. They are noob friendly since so much is already in it but you will out grow those methods when you start growing for yield or taste and end up spending more money. The easiest and best I've seen is Canna's coco system. They have nutrients tailored to their specific medium and a feeding schedule that is pretty spot on. Basically you just fill pots with coco and add nutrients to the water you give them. The actual medium by itself has little to no nutrients.

Otherwise, I've used fox farms ocean forest and you will still need to add nutes after 2-4 weeks. The difference with this is the fox farms nutrients are shit and contain salts that build up over time and aren't good for the plant forcing you to flush, no need to flush with canna. And the soil is peat based which actually repels water when it gets dry.


Well-Known Member

I'm on my first go with it, and they're just little seedlings right now, but it really looks like some good stuff.
If I didn't use this I would have used roots organic
I've used ocean forest before, and a couple of my friends use it mixed with happy frog, which is what I'd recommend if using foxfarm.