I'm a very new grower (3rd grow but first time with female) and curious about my soil chemistry. I kept reef aquariums for 20+ years where I was testing Ca, Mg, K, NO3 and PO4 on a weekly basis. PH and DKH were monitored on a daily basis. Knowing what was going on in the tank allowed me to adjust and maintain ideal conditions for the inhabitants. A plant should be no different correct? Chemistry that is out of balance will significantly change the way an organism you're cultivating grows. I have a 4x4 bed with soil I mixed myself. Peat, pumice, my own compost and worm castings plus very basic general amendments. In my opinion, growth is good and the plant looks healthy. I'd like to evaluate my grow with more than just looks. How often should I test the soil? Weekly, Bi- weekly, every cycle? Any recommended labs to send samples to? Thank you.