Soil to Hempy Troubles. What should I do?


Hi rollitup,

I have been lurking on the forums for a long time now, and I have finally taken the plunge and started my first grow. I am growing four clones at the moment, 2x Green Crack, and 2x Kandy Kush. They were rooted in rapid rooters then placed into some backyard dirt, in solo cups, that was treated by the guy I got it from (his friend, who helps him clone used the back yard dirt.... wasn't thinking). He treated with some miticide and made sure it was perfect before I got them. They had little roots all along the sides when I plopped them out in my excitement and haste to transplant them into 5gal Hempy buckets. I placed them in the buckets a little less then 2 days ago and have been watering everday with 1/4 Jungle juice g/m/b, and some light silica. The leaves are now drooping, with the green crack looking the best and the kandy kush worse. I gave them some water even though the medium was already moist and the soil was moist. I have read the I should have cleaned the dirt off, but now that I planted them again I am not sure as to what I should do. I'm afraid that if I take them out and wash off the majority of the dirt, it will cause unwanted stress. Any suggestions?

For a little more info I am growing in a secret jardin dr120 2.0, with a 600w mh 20'' away, in an blockbuster aircooled hood. I am having trouble with temp and humidity. With the lights on the temp is 80-83F and 30-35% humidity. Lights off = 63-70F and 68-73% humidity.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

Check out the "World of Hempy" lots of good info to get started on learning hempy, I highly recommend it
Dr. Jekyll

You do not need to clean the dirt from your young seedlings, in fact a soil cap (2 inch layer of soil on top of the perlite) and/or a soil core (starting the seedling in a small paper coffee cup) work extremely well in the hempy environment.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
I agree with Mr need to clean off roots. It just traumatizes them. That's just for a hempies...other hydro systems may not handle the particulate well. There is a difference between soil roots and hydro roots. So your plants will need some adjustment time. And go easy on the nutes...maybe even 1/8 strength while they are struggling. Good luck.


What, exactly. does the term 'HEMPY' refer to....???
I had the fraudulent-naming debate last night over this.

Take a bucket, drill a hole an inch from the bottom and fill it with hydro mix. Hardly deserves a particular "title". Even supermarkets have been selling self-watering pots that're essentially the same deal, since the 60's: looooong before any guy called Hempy was ever breathing air on this planet.

The consensus was that it was easier to just keep calling it a Hempy Bucket, even though the method has been used since at least the 70's and has fuckall to do with any Hempy, but I'd argue it takes longer to explain to everyone who ask what it is, when you could simply call it a bucket of mix with a run-off hole: that's all it is.

Who cares if some fool took a few photos of a bucket and a drill, it's not *his* idea: it's public domain.

It can be drain to waste, or passive-feed, but it's basically a self-watering pot, and no more.

fuckin "Hempy bucket" just I dunno why that rubs me so wrong but it does.


I propose everyone drops the wanky "Hempy" and simply call it a Self-Watering Bucket, since that at least describes what the thing does without all the silly pretentious shit.

Like I said last night, I'll throw some perlite in potting mix and take a photo or two, and forever after, everyone can refer to this type of medium as "Dribbles Danky Dirt" cos the idea of a bucket with a fuckin hole forever being called a Hempy Bucket is every bit as stupid, so why perpetuate such garbage?


Well-Known Member must have had a few go-arounds with Hempy to be so pissed about him taking credit. And you're wrong, Hempy was around in the 60s, and the 50s and possibly even the 40s. He's an old fart like me.


I have no idea where or who he is, or where he comes from.

The issue I have is it's just straight-up stupod to give a bucket with a hole such an obscure name, and continue to do it, just because some dood posted a tutorial on how to drill a hole in a bucket. Seriously? How can any pragmatic or logical person argue FOR such a utterly stupid naming of such an utterly common concept.

And whether he was born in 1995 or 1950, he didn't invent the idea: I'm quite sure self-watering pots have been around as long as pots themselves, Roman Empirical times? Earlier?

Never mind the fact thst evertime a new grower or user sees Hempy Bucket, they gotta ask, "what's that?"

It's a pretentious, misleading, ambiguous name and it needs to be fixed.


Self-Watering Bucket. Bucket Pot. Anything is better than some stupid "Jimmy's Bucket" bullshit.

Describes what it does, and people know what that is without having to ask.