soil wet plant druppy


This has been a ongoing problem my soil never dries out but every week it shows signs of lack of water then i water and it perks back up within hours then a week later time to water and soil is still wet and plant is sagging what am I doing wrong? if i let it fully dry out it will die other than that the plant is showing signs of slow Growth

Is it the plant not thursty should i flush or add nutes? or just water lightly



As long as the soil has good aeration for air/water and your container has adequate drainage, water away, you should be fine.

Everything sounds normal. When you water plants they sag for a an hour then perk right up for days, sagging again when they need water.

I use Miracle Gro Moisture Control now an then. Can throw you off sometimes. Even when the soil needs to be watered, it still feels "moist-ish"


Well-Known Member
Bring ph to 5.8 to 6.3 unless you are using purely organic brews, and then it depends still. It is probably lack of aeration, next time buy a higher quality mix from a hydroponics shop or amend what you buy with perlite, grow stones, hydroton, or pumice, and add something to help stabilize pH. Is that dirt or purchased soil? That is also really important for pH. What brand is it and what mix if you bought it? If it is dirt your pH is fine.

I would agree it is best to just water more often for right now. If it isn't flowering yet, you can transplant into a taller container or into the same size container if the root mass isn't too big, and put hydroton, chunky perlite, pumice, or any ph neutral stone in the bottom 2" of the container to increase drainage and maintain better aeration.

If you ever have a problem with your soil getting to dry you can do the opposite and not have any stones in the bottom, and use grow stones as a mulch on the top, and you will even get more root growth, as surface roots grow into it.


Active Member
It sounds like he doesnt have drainage. A week between watering is kinda insane. Add drainage next time. Try fertiloam ultimate potting mix. Just use it straight.


New Member
does your pail have holes on the bottom i grow in soil an try to maintain min 6.8 ph never should you drown your plant but rather keep it moist if you are on lets say schedule of watering every 5 days let it go 7 days let plant dry up real good then and add only like 1 to 2 litres every 4 - 5 days after that


Well-Known Member
does your pail have holes on the bottom i grow in soil an try to maintain min 6.8 ph never should you drown your plant but rather keep it moist if you are on lets say schedule of watering every 5 days let it go 7 days let plant dry up real good then and add only like 1 to 2 litres every 4 - 5 days after that
pH of 6.8? What brand soil do you use? Always call up the manufacturer and tell them what fertilizer line up you are using, and what pH you should be using. A lot of times these bags of "Soil" are really just soiless mixes with fertilizers added, and the pH should closer reflect a hydroponic or, more specifically, a coco grow.

This isn't always the case, but I have learned that checking can be seriously beneficial.


yes there are plenty of drain holes.... it is just holding water.... the soil is Earth Juice Amazon Bloom Soil

link to soil

This premier potting soil containing peat moss, forest compost, coconut coir, feather meal, bat guano, marinebird fossilized guano, steamed bone meal, sulfate of potash, magnesia from langbenite, neem meal, earthworm castings, sea kelp (ascophyllum nodosum), humate ore (leonardite), oyster shell lime (ph adjuster). It's the preferred companion to the Earth Juice line of fertilizers. The "Best" flowering planting mix on the market.

it has all of these things but what im not sure about is the oyster shell lime (ph adjuster) what does this mean?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you should be using 5.9-6.3, what liquid fertilizer line up are you using? You need to call the manufacturer to confirm. It sounds like it is soiless with soil amendments. The oyster shell is to help keep your ph stable.


so i watered it with the gal of plain water ph 6.3 things are looking better here is what its looking like u

"any input would help"

should i add some nutes? regular feed? should i lower Ph or is it looking ok at 6.3

any lower than 6.3 sounds to low to me but what do i know lol

