soil with no fertilizer pls help explain


For people that wanna help and not waste time reading everything, i'm basically looking for soil with no fertilizer if anyone knows what this is called pls lmk cause I search for it and nothing shows so I suppose it has a different name.

I'm gonna start a grow soon but I want to do it the right way. I was planning on getting soil with no fertz added, and transplant them to ocean forest once they get a few inches tall, I've read some strains burn when young if planted in ocean forest so I want to be extra careful, my problem is I can't seem to find soil with no fertz added anywhere, is it called different? I called my local nursery and they said they have top soil which has no fertilizers, but I research top soil and it doesn't sound like what I'm looking for. I did Google searches for soils with no fertilizers and can't find much about it, I guess I'm searching for the wrong stuff, someone pls help me out lol


Well-Known Member
For people that wanna help and not waste time reading everything, i'm basically looking for soil with no fertilizer if anyone knows what this is called pls lmk cause I search for it and nothing shows so I suppose it has a different name.

I'm gonna start a grow soon but I want to do it the right way. I was planning on getting soil with no fertz added, and transplant them to ocean forest once they get a few inches tall, I've read some strains burn when young if planted in ocean forest so I want to be extra careful, my problem is I can't seem to find soil with no fertz added anywhere, is it called different? I called my local nursery and they said they have top soil which has no fertilizers, but I research top soil and it doesn't sound like what I'm looking for. I did Google searches for soils with no fertilizers and can't find much about it, I guess I'm searching for the wrong stuff, someone pls help me out lol
Black Gold brand seedling mix. It's sold everywhere in small bags. No additives.

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Promix…...not much of anything in it.
Good to start seeds or rooted clones but don't leave them in it for long as there nothing in straight promix….but enough for a start for a couple to 3 weeks.


Thanks for the quick replies, now I even have options nice, how long can they stay in the plugs? I've done a lot more research about soil, I might go with soil since I know how it works but I'm curious about the plugs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick replies, now I even have options nice, how long can they stay in the plugs? I've done a lot more research about soil, I might go with soil since I know how it works but I'm curious about the plugs.
Rapid Rooter plugs. Come as a kit. Good for seeds or clones. Take care of the cheap shit tray and watch the water level.


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with Happy Frog, it's not completely nute free, but it's mostly humic acid which is great for root development and young plants... I've been doing entire grows in just this with no issues. Lately however, I've switched to NFTG soil #4... Ocean Forest is indeed probably too hot, although I have grown seedling in it before with no issues...

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Plugs you soak to expand them.
Seedlings stretch though...
With promix which is soilless you can take them out and replant them in the soil easy
With plugs they root into them while the seedling stretches. Then you lose depth in the pot you transplant to.

Really any potting soil can be used for seeds. Have even used those small bags from a dollar store for seedlings.
Just stay away from the soil that holds the want good drainage.


awesome, I just didn't want to spend money on seeds and then burn'em out. I'll either go with pro mix or bg seedling mix.

hawse, you use nftg #4 from start to finish or you mean just for seedlings? I don't know much about this soil.


Well-Known Member
awesome, I just didn't want to spend money on seeds and then burn'em out. I'll either go with pro mix or bg seedling mix.

hawse, you use nftg #4 from start to finish or you mean just for seedlings? I don't know much about this soil.
Whole run with NFTG, it's got lots of good stuff in it, not plain... but it won't burn anything. You'd be fine just in the Ocean Forest to be honest, just won't need to add nutes for three weeks or so maybe...


Well-Known Member
the only 2 that i know of is Promix ( one of them has nutrients but the HP one doesn't from what i've read ), Coco coir.

Happy Frog contains nutrients but at a lower charge then Ocean forest. one of the roots organic soils also contains a very light charge of nutrients i think it is the Green Lite one. they dont sell that one here though.

if you want to see my promix HP grow going on now you can check it out. i pretty much am experimenting and treating it kind of like coco in the sense i never let it get dry besides the top of course and i almost ALWAYS feed every single watering. i water about every 2-3 days. my outdoor plants i water daily they dry up faster thats why i run roots organic original on my outdoor plants though. idk if the Sunshine mix has nutrients in it but a lot of people told me they prefer that over the promix. never seen it here before though.

if you look at my grow you can see how easy it is to fuck up your grow if your inexperienced like me with fertilizer or without it in the soil. started at a 1/4th dosage dropped to an 1/8th now i think i run 1/10th base nutes. it's an experimental grow though trying to push the shit out of these plants with feeding otherwise i could of easily gone just feed, water, feed and water to run off but i didn't want to do that this grow.


Well-Known Member
I used a Rapid Rooter planted in a Solo cup with Oceans Forest for my grow. The plug gives the seed a buffer from the soil and retains moisture as well.


I think u want to make something like a living soil , and is hard to find soil without fertilizer in it, u can use peat moss,coco coir,worm casting.compost and perlite/vermiculite/zeolite pomice.

OMRI is a good certification for the quality of organic product u can google "omri soil" or somenthing like and find sure what u need :)

Good luck


I ended up buying ocean forest and bg seedling mix for the seedlings and clones, I plan on mixing in a bit of ocean forest ff so it has a bit of nutes but not so much that it burns young plants, when I transfer then to the 5f pots it'll be just ocff. I got most of my stuff to start my grow now, just need the main thing which is the light lol but I've been debating on which light to get, I'm thinking some led grow light from ebay, like 1500w, which is around 250 actual watts, ima grow from 4 to 5 plants. my concern now is that I saw some mites in my vivarium, I'm worried these go to my grow room once I set it up, if anyone can check them out and identify them it would be great, here's a link to a video I just uploaded on YouTube


Well-Known Member
I think u want to make something like a living soil , and is hard to find soil without fertilizer in it, u can use peat moss,coco coir,worm casting.compost and perlite/vermiculite/zeolite pomice.

OMRI is a good certification for the quality of organic product u can google "omri soil" or somenthing like and find sure what u need :)

Good luck
When you use zeolite, do you use powder or granules? Where do you purchase it? I have 25lbs of horse stall freshener but not sure if a powder form is better.


Well-Known Member
I ended up buying ocean forest and bg seedling mix for the seedlings and clones, I plan on mixing in a bit of ocean forest ff so it has a bit of nutes but not so much that it burns young plants, when I transfer then to the 5f pots it'll be just ocff. I got most of my stuff to start my grow now, just need the main thing which is the light lol but I've been debating on which light to get, I'm thinking some led grow light from ebay, like 1500w, which is around 250 actual watts, ima grow from 4 to 5 plants. my concern now is that I saw some mites in my vivarium, I'm worried these go to my grow room once I set it up, if anyone can check them out and identify them it would be great, here's a link to a video I just uploaded on YouTube
i run a 2000watt king plus LED 375-390 actual draw. in my journal if you want to check out the growth from it i keep um at about 18-21 inches. personally i regret buying um over the QB's i wanted. blurples work but honestly imo you can do better. my lights weigh 12-13 lb's idk about you but thats pretty fucking heavy especially the way i hang them in my closet which is by using cheap ass command hooks. overall i'd say they put too much effort on trying to make the product look good versus making the product itself better.