
Okay im seriously stressing about soil for my first grow. Also im thinking about using 3 gallon pots do you think thats enough for a marijuana plant? Okay so ive got this very intense feeding schedule and i was thinking since its pretty intense i dont think i should use a soil mix with nutrients already in it. I was thinking a soilless mix. Is that a good idea? Take a look at this feeding shedule. I have everysingle thing listed on here. . SO tell me what you guys think. Is it to much? If it is what should i do should i cut the dosage in half? also it says feed two times per week that sounds about right. also the numbers represent number of teaspoons per gallon. ONE MORE THING! Would it be a better idea to use Fox Farms ocean forest and ALSO follow this feeding schedule? I mean fox farms already has nutrients in the soil so would it be retarded to follow this schedule? And as you can see it starts as soon as you plant these babies in the ground. Please try to answer all you can(:
Thanks in advance!
-Danny bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
First of all you should of done more research as in foxfarm are not the best nutrients or soil out there. A good base soil to use is roots organic however it has had thrips lately so a good soil drench with azamax is s good idea. You're not fucked cause you already bought the whole ft line so don't worry. You never wanna feed you plants when they are still in the seedling stage, let them get a few sets of leaves before you start you nutes. Keep the feeding to a 1/4 strength
tillyou see how they take to the food. Not every plant feeds the same. A three gal pot is too small. You're gonna need at least a 7 gal. When you are ready to advance in the world of soil use this link.
If you're planning on using a heavy feeding schedule, Ocean Forest wouldn't be the best soil to use. It's notorious for having a high level of nutrients already in it. Also the ratios are incorrect. If you're not obsessed with being 100% organic, you'll be better off using a soilless mix like Pro-mix or Fox Farm Light warrior. For organic soil you can try some Roots Organic brand or Fox Farm Happy Frog. Also 3 -gallon containers should be sufficient for growing medium sized plants. it all depends on the size of your room and your setup. Also look into buying some Mycorrhizal fungi to help uptake the nutes.

Good luck and happy harvesting

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
3 gallons are a lot .you can use 3 1 gallons and get more dank buds. Mushrooms wil help with flowers


Well-Known Member
okay im seriously stressing about soil for my first grow. Also im thinking about using 3 gallon pots do you think thats enough for a marijuana plant? Okay so ive got this very intense feeding schedule and i was thinking since its pretty intense i dont think i should use a soil mix with nutrients already in it. I was thinking a soilless mix. Is that a good idea? Take a look at this feeding shedule. I have everysingle thing listed on here. . So tell me what you guys think. Is it to much? If it is what should i do should i cut the dosage in half? Also it says feed two times per week that sounds about right. Also the numbers represent number of teaspoons per gallon. One more thing! Would it be a better idea to use fox farms ocean forest and also follow this feeding schedule? I mean fox farms already has nutrients in the soil so would it be retarded to follow this schedule? And as you can see it starts as soon as you plant these babies in the ground. Please try to answer all you can(:
Thanks in advance!
-danny bongsmilie
KISS! KISS! Think it over, perfesser.


Active Member
First of all you should of done more research as in foxfarm are not the best nutrients or soil out there. A good base soil to use is roots organic however it has had thrips lately so a good soil drench with azamax is s good idea. You're not fucked cause you already bought the whole ft line so don't worry. You never wanna feed you plants when they are still in the seedling stage, let them get a few sets of leaves before you start you nutes. Keep the feeding to a 1/4 strength
tillyou see how they take to the food. Not every plant feeds the same. A three gal pot is too small. You're gonna need at least a 7 gal. When you are ready to advance in the world of soil use this link.
well sorry partner but I use fox farms and have never gotten thripes from it. So that being said how is roots organic better?

OP you will be fine don't feed your babies anything for about 3 or 4 weeks. When you start to feed just follow the directions on the bottle and see how they do.Pot size depends on how big you want to let them get. I use 5 gallon buckets and 10 gallon totes.Keep it simple and don't over think it. Plants need light, water, air circulation,and nutrients depending on your growing medium. It's really not rocket science although some try ti treat it that way.
well sorry partner but I use fox farms and have never gotten thripes from it. So that being said how is roots organic better?

OP you will be fine don't feed your babies anything for about 3 or 4 weeks. When you start to feed just follow the directions on the bottle and see how they do.Pot size depends on how big you want to let them get. I use 5 gallon buckets and 10 gallon totes.Keep it simple and don't over think it. Plants need light, water, air circulation,and nutrients depending on your growing medium. It's really not rocket science although some try ti treat it that way.
Well i just want to make my first grow a success! But um if i get Ocean Forest and i dont feed for like four weeks after that how much longer should i keep it in the veg stage and also what should i do about dosages and especially about all the other nutes like cha ching and sledgehammer and all that shit. should i just wait 4 weeks then start the feeding schedule?