

Active Member
what i have been hearing from a few people is that a good cheap soil to use is hyponex.Its like 2 bucks a bag.


Active Member
I start my seedlings in fox farm light warrior and then switch to ocean forest, all i do is add some perlite. This is kinda like asking someone what is the best car, everyone has there own opinion. The main thing is dont get shitty soil spend a little extra.I suggest trying some different ones until you find what works best for you or continue searching this site im sure just about everything has been tried.


Well-Known Member
hyponex sucks. its just mud pretty much. Like jasper said though, its all personal choice. The more money you put into your soil the more you will get out.. duh. So anyways if you have some money to spend get some Foxfarm Light warrior soil, perlite and vermculite (Foxfarm soil already has some of both of this but i love an ample of amount of both, always worked well in the past with other plants). Mix all three together, more of the soil of course. That is what i use personally and i have great results so far. You wont find foxfarm soil at walmart, check a local nursery.

get Miracle grow ( I do not recommend this )
Schultz Pro Potting Soil (Schultz is usually the way to go before MG imo)


Well-Known Member
I like the Pro-Mix from Home Depot. I add 20% more perlite.

When I make the final transplant into the 3 gallon pots I use 60% Pro-Mix, 20% perlite, and 20% worm castings.